Adam Yonce

Adam Yonce
Occupation: Software Engineer
Age: 34
Married to Annie
2 Daughters: Jessica, Katy
Dog: Blue Heeler named "Random"
2 Squirrels: Yin, and Yang
2 Cats: Rio, and Baily

I was born and bred in the mountains of western North Carolina. (Please no
inbreeding jokes, I have probably heard them all anyway ;-)). I worked as a
mechanic in our small town until I joined the US Army in 1984. I joined the
Green Berets after a one year tour of Korea. I spent most of my time in the
Middle East until I got out in 1996. Now I am a computer programmer back in

I am certainly a hard-core Pantheist. I believe that the universe is "God"
and there is no separate intelligence driving the train. "What can be seen,
heard, and learned, this I prize." (Heraclitus)

I consider myself an amateur scientist. I have conducted research in
environmental sciences (Utilization of Wood Duck nesting structures) and
physics. My current pet project involves magnetic impulse transportation
for (hopefully!) mining asteroids.

I hold a General Class Amateur radio license and am a member of the Artemis
Society International(

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