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Starchild: A Learning Center for Young Astronomers

The information students can explore here includes facts about astronaut training, astronaut assignments, a space wardrobe, the universe, space missions, and more. There are even games and activities for visitors to enjoy.

Links to Space on the Net

Here you will find a page with links to various space-related topics available on the World Wide Web.

Space Educators' Handbook

The Space Educators' Handbook site features more than 2,000 files. Site pages are featured. Examples of some of the featured selections include: historic U.S. space stamps, plans to build Neil Armstrong's Eagle, a movie clip of the first golf shot on the moon, a NASA space coloring book, and much more. Enjoy!

Astronomy Picture of the Day

Each day a different image or photo of our universe is featured. In addition, viewers will find a brief explanation by an astronomer.

Your Weight on Other Worlds

Fill in your weight in the space indicated and your weight will be calculated as it would be on the nine planets. Java Script is necessary on the browser.

Build a Solar System

Users fill in the diameter of the Sun they want their model to be scaled by. Distances and sizes of the planets will then fill in. After this the student can build a scale model of a solar system. Java Script is needed on the browser.

Take the Astronaut Challenge

Visitors click on pictures and see explanations or videos about a servicing mission. They can also view record notes on an Astronaut Log page and then use the log notes to place the events in logical order. A glossary of space shuttle related words is available. Answers from the final challenge are submitted and checked. If all the answers are correct, the student receives a certificate of completion.

Photo Gallery

View hundreds of space related photos. Sections are included on astronomy, earth, flight vehicles, robotics, the solar system, and more.

Ask the Space Scientist

Visitors ask questions of astonomer Dr. Sten Odenwald. Questions and answers are posted to the archives. Interesting answers are given to questions about the earth, the moon, the solar system, the cosmos, and much more.

Student Stumpers

This is a site created for students. They make up challenging questions that they think it will be difficult to answer. Responses are emailed directly to the author of the question.


Activities and resources related to space are available for copying at this site. Good ideas for classroom activities.

"Hubba, Hubba, Hubble..."

A challenging crossword puzzle about the Hubble Spacecraft. When the visitor is finished with that, he/she can click on the Space Shuttle Puzzle Page for more fun.

"Official" Astronomical Names

Here students can read about how planets, satellites, asteroids, and comets receive their names.

Space Weather Today

View an image of the sun, see what the general level of space weather disturbance is near Earth, get an image of Earth's aurora as seen with the Visible Imaging System from the Polar spacecraft. In addition, you can get the official weather outlook for space and read basic facts about space weather.

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