The Christians
With statistics of other religions in Finland
Contents: Statistics Does God Exist and who is Jesus Some basics of Christian teachings Is Christianity the same as Islam; does everyone worship the same God? Are all gods the same? Things you need to know about Christianity and Islam, the two great religions. Christianity under attack: the lies. The Holy Bible - In various languages. The Holy Bible - Try it. The drug/alcohol problems and obesity epidemics are spiritual in origin and therefore only by healing the person spiritually can these be solved permanently, and by following God's health laws you will have health and happiness without the cravings.
A total of 4.4 million persons belong to Evangelical-Lutheran congregations in Finland. The Church is part of the Finnish way of life, and Christian values are taught already in the schools. Among other things, children learn that there are some solid principles to live by, such as honesty, peace and hope in the promises and love of Jesus Christ. They also learn that a Christian does not bow down to idols or images, nor do they hold any man or woman, living or dead, or their teachings on the same level as the Bible, or of Jesus Christ. What is the difference between Catholics and Protestants? Christianity is under attack today and the aim of most governments is to get rid of it, because only Christianity stands for freedom of speech and truth. The trend today is away from freedom of speech and toward, control of the masses through legislation preventing it. Canada embarked on a slippery slope when it started creating classes of people within Canada such as natives and French Canadians, and now Muslims. When you try to please everyone, you please no one. So, it was an easy conceptual step to extend that to homosexuals, freedom hating people and whatever group the government proposed. You can't say this, you can't say that...or you'll go to jail. Is it worth it to give up freedom of speech for the sake a few homosexuals who flaunt their sexuality, daring people to say or do something? Spies are sent into churches in case the preacher says what the Bible says, then he gets thrown into jail (actually happened). What kind of free society is being constructed? When the government ties your tung, you are a slave of the government. When such legislation is passed, they will inevitably say "what speech shall we make laws against next?" When the government fears the people, you have good government, but when the people fear the government, you have tyranny. Are speech control actually thought control? But here's the catch: they can say anything about Christians and the government will protect their right to do so. Homosexuals and pro abortion activists have been on TV condemning those right-wing evangelicals, without any retribution whatsoever. When this kind of Bill is passed, what happens? People start spying on one another, and reporting violations. Isn't this what happened in the Soviet Union and under Hitler? I think they call it thought police. When we can think but not express, we have a problem in that society. For that will be a sick society. How long can a person be well if he is holding back things? And so it is with a society. Free expression is the best, and our politicians are not doing it, and I believe it is for the globalist agenda, the New World Order. The argument is, that if we allow people to knock these groups, someone will hurt them. That is not good enough reason. How about if we criticize our politicians, are they going to prevent that because someone might hurt them? It doesn't make sense. The "good" intentions of politicians are destroying the nation in the name of political correctness and some hidden agenda.
Christians and freedom of speech (funny how these two things go together) are now being persecuted; all religions are acceptable now, except Christianity. Christians in Canada cannot preach what the Bible says about homosexuality for example. They will be thrown in jail. Nobody cares about what Christians think anymore, (nor of freedom of speech) as the world slides slowly downward to chaos. If you throw out Christian ideas, you are in trouble, because Jesus IS Lord.
You Can't Say that in Canada.
Lies and half-truths are flying around everywhere - to destroy the hope we have in Jesus, so we will have to depend upon whatever the Globalists want. This is part of their methods of achieving their goal of world domination. Power is what it is all about - control - of you and me. And it appears that it is working as we can no longer speak freely. In Hitler's Germany they could not speak freely. In USSR they could not speak freely. The Canadian government has decided that freedom of speech is less important than protecting a few homos, who should be protected of course, but by common law. Their aim is slavery of you and me. So, they are in a position to spread misinformation about Christians (they are bad) but also about Muslims (they are good: they've gotten a bum rap). Their support of Islam, they believe, will hasten the death of Christianity on the face of the earth. Christians are said to be intolerant and in particular, hateful against gays. Well, this is false; Christians in general, hate the sin, but not the sinner. However, these so-called lovers of truth, display major hatred and intolerance toward Christians. When Christians were the dominant force in government, they never made laws to silence those who did not agree with them! But the liberal politicians of today did. So who is the intolerant party? The House of Commons and the Senate of Canada, which went against the wishes of the people. When will they gather up all the Bibles and burn them? It is the Canadian people who will pay the price in the end for the folly of their government in ways they cannot yet perceive.
Christians also believe that Muslims are pagans, but again we do not hate Muslims, but we do hate this violent religion and we have to expose it for what it is. Violent religion? How dare you say such a thing about a peaceful Muslim people? Yes, there are peaceful Muslims, but Islam is not peaceful, and we have plenty of proof from Muslim texts to make that conclusive. Whether you believe one way or another is important, but whether you care, is up to you. We will give you the proof later in another section. All we want is the truth of Christ to be reinstated, in order for our society which is spinning out of control to get back on track. The attacks against Christians are also manifest in the government's alliances with pagan religions, through increased immigration. All this to water down our heritage and create a new "better" society. Well, there is no evidence that it is succeeding. But there is lots of proof it is failing. This is evidenced by our lost youth that are grasping at among other things, drugs. Kids are emulating their rock star idols instead of Christ, and are in and out of rehab or ending up dead. Isn't it time to get back on the path?
Have Christians really caused all the wars in the past? No. Christ taught peace, but as the early church began to get involved in politics (Rome) it actually joined in to use force in conquest and converting pagans. The Roman church became (like the Inquisition) an evil instrument in those dark times, which survived up to the Dark Ages, and beyond - but it was not the same church Jesus established. It went totally against Christ's teachings; so anyone using force was not one of Christ's followers, for Jesus said to the very last "put away your sword." Does that sound like an intolerant, violent teaching? No! However, this concept is not true with Muslims: they are commanded by Muhammad to use violence; he abrogated the command that there is no compulsion in religion. When he won many battles, suddenly there was compulsion: convert or die. If this statement sounds false, you should know that Muhammad was a war lord who went on over one hundred raids and wars, and personally decapitated hundreds of Jews who surrendered because they were promised protection. Treachery! The soldiers shared in the booty and women, whom they raped repeatedly. Muhammad took one by force as his wife. No compulsion is Islam!
A Christian does not pray to dead created beings, or Saints, hoping they will pass on the request to God, nor do they believe that you can pray to get friends and relatives out of limbo (purgatory). God does not have a secretary screening his calls. A Christian goes boldly directly to the top, as per the command in the Bible. To do otherwise negates what Jesus did: open the door past the priest, straight to his throne. Which Bible is the word of God? Well, some believe the King James version is. Should every person in the world learn English in order to get the word of God? I don't believe this is the case. Therefore most versions written before WWII will do. It is mainly after WWII that the new, politically correct, versions were written. And, after the removal of prayers from schools, our children have started to become Liberal atheists, similar to the Communists in USSR - and we know what the results were there. Their society fell apart. But more importantly, the move away from God in every arena of life including the military has dire consequences: losing every major war except maybe the Gulf War, which the American forces never really finished, because Saddam Hussein, the man US installed there, remained in power. God's blessings are bestowed upon a people who appreciate and honor God's providential hand in history.
Martin Luther's interpretation of the Bible was dangerous to the power of the church, and indeed the Lutheran Church has little or no power with respect to individual salvation, and therefore control over people. Other religions tie people to the church, and thereby the organization gains power over the people. The Christian God meant all mankind to be free to worship Him as He intended: by their own free will. Every person, whether they be trying to increase Islam, Christianity or whatever, who do it by force are not sent by God, but by the adversary. So if it is imperative you go to Mass or Mosque for prayers or forgiveness or whatever, and you go through various rituals or traditions, the church or mosque gains power over you, and this is the intention.
According to Pastor Daniel Erlander, the cross where Jesus suffered and died is seen as a symbol of the point at which God meets man, which transcends the power of logic. We cannot find God by our own works, but by seeking Him in humility and, in our helplessness, God's grace and love finds us. In fact the Bible says that all our righteousness is like filthy rags - not honored by God, because he knows you are not what you appear to be, but a sinner.
As a result of honoring God, (like George Washington, right) Finns have become among the most free and prosperous people in the world. No other path can say that their society is as free and prosperous as those that follow Jesus Christ as stated above and described below in greater detail. With the observed standard of living also comes a challenge to retain the foundations that produced it: the teachings of Jesus Christ, the savior of the world, whose finished work was not to be added to. But, a few centuries after Christ came what was claimed to be an addition and in some cases repudiations of Biblical truths - a negation of the greatest commandment Jesus gave: that we love one another. This new teaching was of the moon and sword.
- Finland as a nation has benefited greatly from their trust in the Christian concept of a loving, caring God, especially during the dark days of Revolution and the Second World War.
- In the Lutheran religion, the Bible is always the ultimate authority, and no person or society has the sole right to interpret its meaning, nor to judge other people.
- The Karelian people of Russia, (who speak a dialect of Finnish) have almost lost their language under Communism. Today the people of Karelia, now mixed with ethnic Russians, are turning back to Christ after living under Atheism for seventy years. They have seen the fruits of a Godless system.
- The problem was not a faulty system which, if fixed, would result in the perfect society, as many still believe. The problem was their atheism. The Russian government has finally admitted that Atheism did not perfect human nature, nor did it protect human rights and freedom. Marxism has proclaimed that religion is the people's drug. Would you rather have your kids on Jesus or booze and drugs?
Soviets turned "liberated" Finnish Churches into theaters in 1940. The picture above is of the Finnish Lutheran church in Impilahti, which was taken back for 3 years in 1941. This picture is by my father, Antti Joronen when he was in the Finnish Army in the Continuation War 1941-44.
To protect future generations from destruction, the Russian government gave the people back their freedom of religion - the very thing most Americans are against these days, especially Christianity. Then, the Russian Orthodox Church claimed to have sole rights to the Russian people. And the government got involved. There is no separation of Church and State in Russia. Like the Czars, Russian government now wants to recognize only their "Russian" religion, and they have begun to supress all other religions at the request of the Russian Orthodox Church. Religion has become a tool of nationalism in Russia as in centuries past.
Finnish House Society in Vancouver, helps to maintain Finnish culture in Canada, which is where the writer lives. "The culture of a people is not only literature, music, songs, poems and art, but also includes its customs, traditions, spiritual values and religion. As a strong faith in God and His provision has been the basis for strength and high moral standards in the homeland during wars and great difficulties as well as in peace, so also it should be here in our chosen new homeland, among other religions and people." From Finnish House Society constitution.Lars-Levi Lestadius
YTM (MA in Social Sciences) Jarmo Ryyti, of the University of Jyväskylä, Finland explains the historical role of a religion that arose in the North in the 19th Century. Here are his comments about Lestadius (Lestadiolaiset).
"The Lestadians are followers of a religious movement established by Lars Levi Lestadius, who was a Swedish-Saami. He lived in the 19th century, and was a multitalented polyglot. He was proficient in three Saami dialects and in Finnish, Latin and Swedish. He is best known as a religious leader, but he also is a known ethnologist and botanist.
Lestadius preached in Finnish and in Saami, which was part of his movement. The language of people was used instead of the administrative language of Church of Sweden. The church of Sweden was an important tool of Swedish imperialism and colonialism, but L.L.Lestadius changed all that by preaching boldly in Finnish and in Saami. It was sensational and provocative. Therefore L.L.Lestadius was also hated among the nomenklatura of the Church of Sweden and he got a lot of enemies.
Thanks to Lestadius, Finnish survived as a kind of a underground language in Northern Sweden and Northern Norway until these days. The Swedish and Norwegian administration tried to uproot Finnish and Saami speaking culture by all means but they could not prevent people to talk with God Finnish and Saami. And L.L.L. gave courage to them to do so.
In 1958,The Swedish School Administration repealed directives banning the speaking of Finnish language in Sweden's schools. However, some municipalities maintained restrictions until 1968."
Statistics of Churches and Religions in FinlandLutherans 4,300,000 86%
- Orthodox 57,000 1%
- Pentecostals 50,000 1%
- Members of Finnish Free Church 13,000
- Roman Catholics 5,000
- Adventists 5,000
- Baptists 2,500
- Methodists 1,300
- Anglicans-Episcopalians 100
- Members of other Christian churches 1,000
- Jehovah's Witnesses 17,000
- Muslims 15,000 - 20,000 (2000)
- Mormons 4,000
- Jews 1,300
- Non-affliated 500,000 10%
- Some who follow old pagan religion
Martin Luther (1483 - 1546) - German Reformation Leader "The Just Shall Live by Faith Alone"
- Martin Luther was German Augustinian friar who put Christianity on the right path. When he visited Rome in 1510, he was shocked by the worldliness of the papal court. Further payment was demanded by Rome, after Christ had already paid for the sins of the world! This was not what the inspired writings in the Bible taught. He believed that salvation, as taught in the Bible, was from the unmerited grace of God available through faith alone, not something that Rome gave for money or no money. He also denied, as per the Bible, special spiritual authority of priests and the final authority of the Pope to interpret the Bible. He showed that the Bible declares the priesthood of all believers, with Jesus as head, not the Pope. He changed the course of history when he exposed Rome's corruption, and smashed the shackles that bound millions of ordinary people to Rome's whims.
- Martin Luther showed the people that the Bible does not require from them anything else but faith in Jesus, that you could not buy favors from God, and that according to the Bible, Jesus paid the price in full, period. There was no need to bow down before any image, regardless of reason. In fact worship of images is expressly forbidden by God. When Christianity was withdrawing from its Jewishness, it moved towards the paganistic veneration, bowing down to images, as in the image of Caesar. Veneration of icons, or images amounts to the same thing, and is forbidden. Changing "worship" to "venerate" is playing with words - with many believing everything is OK; it is not. Churches do not have the authority to override God's commandments by semantic manipulations. (When you bow down before an image, you are saying that you are less than that image, which is false. You are less than Jesus and God who authorize no images, and equal to other humans alive or dead. To say that images of Mary and Jesus factually represent them is not correct, and neither are the images authorized by them. If you were to put a picture of me on the internet without asking my permission, I would be very angry, wouldn't you? Similarly, God commands that we shouldn't make images - are we to contradict Him? Furthermore, we cannot say if they are more holy than the next person, only God can, for He knows what they really did and believed in their lives. And, the Bible says that all have sinned and come short of the glory of God. So why pray to a sinner, why not go to the sinless one as the Bible commands. Who knows, some people may have been praying to a worse sinner than themselves. He explained that all God wanted was for the world to accept what Jesus did for them, and they would be saved from their sins and set free. For the wages of sin is death, in the eyes of God. He taught that if Jesus hadn't paid the sin debt we owed with his blood for mankind, eternal life would not be possible. He taught that anyone could ask for salvation at any time, and they would have it right then in a split second. If they should die before baptism, they would still go to heaven by Jesus' grace, by which we are saved. This made Rome, which wanted people to believe salvation was dispensed by the church, angry and Martin Luther narrowly escaped execution.
Martin Luther also showed that Bible truths are still true in German or any other language, and Latin does not have a monopoly on the teachings of Christ, which was the position of the Pope. Can you believe that most people did not understand the sermons, which was fine by the Pope? This explains why Orthodox Churches and Catholic Churches have so many pictures and statues. Worship of these is considered to be part of the religion, although people who read the bible often refuse. Jesus did not worship images, nor did the apostoles. Sometimes God was not even mentioned in prayers when contacting spirits of dead Christians.
Has any person since Christ ever been really "holy?" Depends what we mean by holy. If you mean without sin, the answer must be "no" because the Bible clearly states: "all have sinned and come short of the glory of God." Also, we hardly get through a day without some slip or "sin" because we are human and have to fight our inner tendency all the time. So we should be careful in giving the title "holy" to any person if we mean that person is sinless, or perfect. We have a bad day and no matter how hard we try, we might unjustly say or do something to our loved ones; it is normal and just a part of being human. Holy can mean making a promise to God and keeping it, but the only sinless person on earth was Jesus. When we bestow such a title, we are judging that person to be of high quality. But we are told not to judge, lest we be judged (by the same criteria). People can also prophecy, and we can learn from them, but still they are not sinless. A prophet is one who predicts something, and most so-called prophets today have proven to be false prophets, just as predicted in the Bible. These false prophets will be banished to the pit.
- If Muhammed had predicted future events he would certainly, by definition, be a prophet. He was a brilliant general whose conquests became widely known, but he did not predict events, and therefore we do not have much proof of his prophecy. Our God commands us not to kill, but Muhammad went out several dozen times to kill, rape and steal. He also made some statements which are very strange, unlike the God of the Bible: Satan lives in the nose during the night, he split the moon in half, the sun goes down beneath a muddy pond during the night, Muslims have one intestine, non-Muslims have seven, Jews turn into rats, monkeys and pigs, and so forth; the Kor'an is nothing more than "lovely stories" and fables, just as Muhammad said they are. He was an epileptic and got all that stuff while he was having a fit, (Supposedly from angel Gabriel, (?) but the prophets of the Bible always got it straight from the source.) when they threw a sheet over him. He was called the "sheeted one." He thought he was possessed by demonds, and contemplated taking his own life. He is supposed to be a real prophet because he has a big hairy mole on his shoulder called the seal of prophethood. He hates dogs and told people to kill them all...This doesn't sound like the God we know; He doesn't hate dogs, pigs or anything else He created. When he created the world and all its creatures, He called it GOOD. So why would he want to do away with his own good works?
- Thus the God of Islam is not the same as the God of the Bible, nowhere near it. If this is the case, then who is this Allah and where did he come from. There is no explanation in the Qur'an. But history says that Allah was originally the Arab moon god, dispite what Allah is today supposedly i.e. The Creator God. The Bible prophets actually predicted future events accurately, we know that because all the Old Testament prophecies have come or are coming to pass. Prophets are sinners too, so we should not worship them on the same level as God. E.G. White is a prophet of Seventh Day Adventists. She predicted the end of the world. Her prophecies did not come to pass, so she is not a prophet. The Bible also asks us not to call any man on earth "father" because we only have one father and he is in heaven. This is how I interpret the Bible and religions claiming to be on par with the Christian God, but fall short by a long, long way - not even close.
The early church was few in number, without wealth, position, or honorary titles, but they were a terror to evil-doers wherever their character and doctrines were known. This is primarily because they adhered to the Word of God as it is taught in the Bible. They were, like Jesus, a constant rebuke to the evil and self-riteousness all around them. And, like Jesus, they suffered for it. Hatred, opposition, and death always came from those who loved and followed the ways of evil. The evil done in the name of the teachings of Jesus, has been attributed to Jesus rather than the evil men - thus continuing the false accusations he was crusified for in the first place.
In the sixth century, the papacy had become firmly established and the head was established in the Imperial City, and the Bishop of Rome was declared to be the head of the entire church.Power corrupts, and the church slowly fell victim to it - the evil deeds were confessed to by the Pope in the first months of the new millennium. The Catholic Church became apostate. (Catholic Church goes to confession) Control of millions, wealth and power became a church goal, and pagan rituals became part of the church operation. After celebacy of priests was invented, the church decided to make Mary a virgin in perpetuity, and Jesus the only child of Mary and Joseph. Pergatory and all kinds of church inventions were designed to get money from the people. Jesus did not tell the thief beside him on the cross "see you in pergatory" but "I say to you this day you will be with me in paradise." This statement is disputed by many, who want to place a comma after day. In the original Greek there were no commas. This has a lot to do with where we believe the thief went immediately after death: to paradise or to sleep. Can you see why there are so many sects in Christianity? The Thief on the Cross
Despite this, there are millions of people in the Catholic Church who believe basically what Protestants believe about who Jesus is, (equated with God, not just a prophet) and what He did for them, and therefore they are the same in spirit. Jesus' grace is sufficient for salvation, and no man needs to lead us to His grace, we can do this ourselves. Some people think we are saved by following the traditions of the church, or by the prayers of the priests. This is not what the Bible teaches.
Martin Luther, the man of God, was to become an old intolerant anti-semite, and therefore some of his teachings as he aged were anathema to what the Bible teaches. Taken literally, they would constitute religious persecution of the worst kind by today's standard. This is why a Christian follows the Bible, rather than the teachings of men. Fortunately Finnish Lutherans did not subscribe to antisemitism and Finland was safe for Jews during the WWII.
The Fundamental tenets of the Christian faith are based on the Bible:- 1) The Ten Commandments (Law of Moses): (briefly)
- You shall have no other gods besides Me.
- You shall not make for yourself an idol
- You shall not take the name of the Lord your God in vain.
- Remember the sabbath day, and keep it holy.
- Honor your father and your mother.
- You shall not murder.
- You shall not commit adultery.
- You shall not steal.
- you shall not bear false witness against your neighbor.
- You shall not covet your neighbor's house. You shall not covet your neighbor's wife, or male or female slave, or ox, or donkey, or anything that belongs to your neighbor.
The Ten Commandments
- 2) The Ten Commandments Were given to Moses (The Old Covenant. Christians are under the New Covenant of Jesus.
- 3) The Lord's Prayer:
- Our Father, who art in heaven,
- hallowed be thy name,
- thy kingdom come,
- thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.
- Give us this day our daily bread;
- and forgive us our trespasses,
- as we forgive those who trespass against us;
- and lead us not into temptation,
- but deliver us from evil.
- For thine is the kingdom,
- and the power, and the glory,
- forever and ever, Amen.
- Every year a certain University professor had the habit of asking if anyone in the class believed in God. He would use a little demonstration to prove his point. He would ask "Is there anyone here who believes that if I drop this glass on the ground, any power in heaven could prevent it from breaking?" His experiment went unchallenged for many years. One day a fellow, a new Christian who thought God could do anything decided to put up his hand. "I do," he said. The professor was astonished. "Go ahead and pray then" said the professor. The boy prayed. "Are you through?" "Yes," said the boy. "Well I am going to demonstrate to the class how stupid prayer is - it's totally useless." He dropped the glass. The glass fell, down it went...and hit his shoe, then bounced harmlessly onto the floor, totally intact. The professor never used that demonstration again.
Editorials and Links (Page 2)
- 4) Apostles' Creed:
- I believe in God, the Father almighty,
- creator of heaven and earth.
- I believe in Jesus Christ, his only Son, our Lord.
- He was conceived by the power of the Holy Spirit
- and born of the virgin Mary.
- He suffered under Pontius Pilate,
- was crucified, died, and was buried.
- He descended into hell.
- On the third day he rose again.
- He ascended into heaven,
- and is seated at the right hand of the Father.
- He will come again to judge the living and the dead.
- I believe in the Holy Spirit,
- the holy universal Church,
- the communion of saints, (believers)
- the forgiveness of sins,
- the resurrection of the body,
- and the life everlasting, Amen.
- One of the most beautiful gospel songs by Edwin Hawkins Singers - A song recorded in the basement of a church to raise funds for a trip. Then one day, while digging through some records in a warehouse, a promoter found the record. The rest is history. See Edwin Hawkins Choir info
- What the Bible says about False Prophets.
- What the Bible says about Islam: The Last Battle between good and evil has begun. Which side are you on?.
- Todd is a preacher that can reach prisoners and gang members. Todd's healing ministry.
- It's true: Evolution Makes No sense.
- Christian Broadcast on Line
Robert Morey Seminar reveals the truth from the holy books - what Mulims don't want you to know.
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