I'll Sue!
One day, an engineer died. he was the kind of
engineer that built stuff, like air conditioners.
When he died, he went to heaven, and met God. God
said "Hey! You're not on the list! Go to Hell!"
So he walked down about 30,555,2091 flights of
stairs, and met the devil. He said, "Okay! Come on
While in hell, he made all sorts of things, like
escalators, air conditioners, etc. One day, God
called the devil and said" You know that engineer?
Well, he's suppose to be up here."
So the devil said, "Are you crazy? I won't give
you this guy!"
God said, "Well if you don't, I'll sue!"
So the devil said, "Sue? You can't sue me! You
don't have any lawyers up there!"
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