Aotearoa..The Land of the Long White Cloud


Aoraki....The Cloud Piercer....

A balloon floats slowly over the "Canterbury Plains";NZ

Hello and welcome to my first ever page.

The Church of The Good Shepherd at Lake Tekapo.

The view at the top of the page is what you see

When you kneel in this church.

My name is Catherine and I live in " New Zealand"

A preview of this Land Down Under.

A Fantail ...A small..very active native bird

At home both in the bush and the city garden.

Something you may like to check.

"NZ Quiz"

"A Tree Fern"

Yes ferns do grow as big as trees in New Zealand

Something else you may like to check

"The Press"

More Links

Thanks for the animation Dave

Wonderfull World

Last Updated 17/08/04