"Bibs and Bob's"

Moeraki Boulders

The story continues

Bibs and Bobs or Bit by Bit

This started in my mind as one theme;

But now it seems as if it will be

more about my country and me.

Please check"here"

Everything from Gold to Truffles??

And the area where I grew up,

and still call home.

"Central Otago"

I lived in "Naseby"

An old goldmining town in

"The Maniototo"

"Grahame Sydney"

I trained as a nurse in Oamaru.

The town built of limestone;

Material that is used still

In buildings all over the country

"The White Stone City"

Last but not least something for the Gentlemen ..if they call !!

The best fighter planes of

England,America,Japan and Russia

"NZ Fighter Pilots"

For those we wish to remember

Wind Under Their Wings

Updated 17/08/04