The Second Principle: Live for the greater whole

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LESSON 10: Love for One's Nation

A. The way of the patriot.

1. How can a single family prosper if its nation is in chaos or is plagued by violence and war? How can we raise pure children if the nation is decadent? The misfortunes of the nation will inevitably destroy the peace of even the most godly family.

2. True love, the vertical ethic, leads families to live for the prosperity, peace and development of the nation. This is also called civic virtue.

3. Societies in which families do not have a sense of civic duty are impoverished.

4. Patriotism does not mean narrow-minded nationalism.

5. Patriotism is the expansion of filial piety to the national level.

6. The patriot loves his country irrespective of the qualities of its present leadership.

7. When parents are true, they will create true leaders. Therefore, the forces leading to the rejection of filial piety in the modern world will dissipate, and a restored, enlivening vertical order will be restored.

The next lesson draws upon the same vertical ethic to reveal what it means to be a saint and child of God.

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