The Fourth Principle: Dedicate Your Own Family to the Global Family of Humankind

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LESSON 20: Freedom and Peace

A. The ideal world is one of freedom.

1. The difference between freedom and license.

2. The precondition for true freedom is the liberation of the conscience from captivity to the body's desires.

3. Freedom blossoms in true love.

4. Freedom cannot be sustained only within one family. It must extend to the society, nation and world.

5. Freedom makes us human.

6. By living in freedom, we display God's image, fulfilling the first purpose of creation.

7. Freedom is the first characteristic of the world of one great family.

B. Peace

1. Peace requires the absence of struggle.

2. Peace applies on many levels.

3. One level is individual peace, finding peace within.

4. Peace in the family.

5. Peace in the community, nation, world.

6. Creating peace, therefore, requires the action of love, namely, sacrificial love.

7. Peace is the foundation for love to blossom.

8. By living in peace and establishing peace in the world, we fulfill the second of God's purposes of creation: that God find a partner of love. The third and fourth characteristics of the world of one great family are unification and happiness, which are the subjects of the next lesson.

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