The Fifth Principle: Strive daily to put the spiritual above the physical

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LESSON 23: The Relationship of the Spirit World and Physical World

A. The relationship between the spirit world and physical world.

1. Spiritual and physical elements are entirely different. Therefore, spirit world and physical world have no connection in and of themselves.

2. Only human beings have all of physical and spiritual elements.

3. Our mind relates with the spirit world.

4. Our body relates with the physical world.

5. The physical world and spirit world relate only through the human being's mind and body.

6. Thus, we are the bridge connecting the spirit world and physical world. Through human beings establishing this relationship, the spirit world and physical world resonate with each other and harmonize in oneness.

This is like the creation of an alloy, by which two distinct metals become one metal. The mind and body become one unit. The metals can separate, just as at the end of our physical life our mind and body separate.

This is like the relationship of electro-magnetic waves (mind) and a television set (body). The invisible waves manifest form (light, sound, ideas and emotions) in the physical world through the medium of the material machine. So too our invisible mind manifests ideas and feelings through our physical body.

B. We should live with spiritual life (the mind) as primary (subject) and the physical life (the body) as secondary (object).

1. The mind, centered on conscience, leads the body.

2. Thereby, we establish the "subject-object" relationship between the spirit world and physical world.

C. We are the lords of the spirit world and physical world.

1. We gain true dominion by understanding the hidden principles and truths of both worlds.

2. Before having dominion over heaven and earth, you must first have dominion over yourself.

3. Jesus, Moses, Buddha and other saints dominated spirit world and the physical elements. We all have that potential.

4. Angels help us, serving and assisting human beings.

5. Many people have excessive fear or awe of the spirit world and angels.

6. There are more evil spirits than good spirits, just as there are more evil people on earth than good people. Such spirits try to lead us astray.

7. We shouldn't believe spiritual revelations on their face value. It is our responsibility to use our judgment, informed by God's word and our own conscience and reason, when evaluating spiritual messages.

8. Good spirit world does not try to control us, nor does it violate heavenly law. Evil spirit world eventually tries to control us, against heavenly law. But the works of good and evil spirits look very similar at the outset.

D. God, the spirit world and human beings.

1. The spirit world stands between God and the human mind.

2. When we live by our conscience, we relate with God through the good spirit world.

3. The mind, in turn, cares for the body, to insure health, long life and the creation and education of good children.

4. To do this, we need the physical world.

E. The spirit world and physical world are torn asunder when we follow false love.

1. Fallen people cannot harmonize the two worlds.

2. Selfish love is a denial of the conscience and rejection of God, which began with the original parents, Adam and Eve.

3. Due to the fall, human beings divided from each other and fell into horizontal conflict.

4. The fall set up a barrier blocking free communication between God and man.

In order to establish true family values, we must understand more detail about the invisible spirit world. Our next lesson will focus on this important topic.

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