Archive File (AryanNation)

"Whacko White Supremists"

Before writing this editorial, I decided to do my homework on the subject at hand. I visited the Aryan Nations, KKK, and other white supremacy websites and read what they believe, their theories, etc... Let me start now by saying


They believe that Adam (the biblical guy) was a pure white man who was the founder of the Aryan Nation. He was put on Earth by God, who they call "Yahweh", to be the first pure human.

Their largest opinion is that the Canaanite Jew (the Jewish people) is the disease of the world which will infect and destroy their perfect specimen. They feel that the Jew was the product of Cain, who was the offspring of Eve's seduction by Satan. Therefore, the Jew, isn't pure and is naturally evil.

Their greatest purpose and concern is the preservation and protection of their fellow Aryans. They feel compelled to establish a government under the "Law of Yahweh" which is only meant for those Aryans who are willing to be citizens.

In response to their claim that Jews are diseased virii, I myself, feel compelled to force them to get an education. They obviously are easily influenced people who believe anything that is convienent for them and/or make themselves feel a greater sense of worth or pride. I pity them because it is evident that their parents did not compliment their good deeds at school, or an A+ they got on a test, or the community service they volunteered for. Of course, not everything can be blamed on child-raising. Most of the blame must rest on the shoulders of those who make this INSANE decision to follow the MORONIC teachings of their leader, Richard G. Butler and his predecessor "Dr." Wesley Swift.

It is a scientific and historical fact that no race is more supreme or perfect than any other. Even the God they follow, Jesus Christ was neither white nor Christian. He was a Hebrew. Jesus was a Jew from the Middle East region. He had dark skin and wavy, if not curly hair. Jesus' last supper was a Passover Seder. A Seder is the meal eaten on the Jewish holiday of Passover. He was not white as modern pictures depict. He was of a long line of Middle Eastern descent.

If there are any Aryan Nation activists who wish to discuss any related issues, I welcome e-mail. To all of you with IQ's over 10, I'm sorry but I will not post the address of the Aryan Nation Website because I refuse to support their ignorant cause.

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