To Have Never Known You.

I can't imagine how empty I would be,
without having known you even this short time.

Your sweet lips have touched mine,
aroused me and brought me such bliss.

Is it true?

T'would never have been better to have danced at all?

Never! Not in your case my love.

A willing and loving heart like yours,
gentle and soothing,
is as rare as a Supernova with all it's beauty and fire.

My passion runs wild with your memory,
your imagined scent burnt into my mind.

I feel that you are a part of me,
buried deep in my soul for always,
to light my way in the dark,
and give me peace in my desperate times.

Though I may never touch you,
hear your sweet voice,
see your bright smile of love,
I know I have danced with the best.

~Author~ Michael Garland