Updated 3/12/98
hosted by Geocities
Taipei American School Chapter
National Honor Society Bylaws
Revised 1/14/98
Article I. Name and Purpose
sec 1. The name of this chapter is Taipei American School
Chapter as chartered by the National Honor
Society, code number 088310.
sec 2. The purpose of this chapter is to promote the four
areas of scholarship, service, leadership and
character at Taipei American School.
Article II. Principal
sec 1. Advise and support financial requirements of
sec 2. Appoint Adviser at the end of each school year.
sec 3. Confer with Adviser regarding the selection of five
voting faculty members for the Faculty Council.
sec 4. Appoint Faculty Council at the beginning of each
school year.
sec 5. Review selection process with nonselected
candidates as required.
sec 6. Attend and participate in Induction/Installation
sec 7. Negotiate disputes between Adviser, Faculty
Council, Executive Committee, Membership.
sec 8. Write verification letter for transferring NHS
Article III. Adviser
sec 1. Implement NHS Constitution
- Develop/maintain handbook for Faculty Council,
Members, Principal, Executive Committee,
- Publicize procedures set forth in handbooks.
sec 2. Cooperate with Faculty Council in annually
reviewing Selection/Dismissal Procedures and
sec 3. Assess membership for maintenance of NHS
- self-evaluation sheet for Leadership, Service, Character
- grade point average review (3.6 required) annually
- poll teachers for Leadership, Service, Character
sec 4. Warn, conference, develop corrective action plan,
and review student falling below required NHS
sec 5. Order and maintain materials for NHS
sec 6. Coordinate Ceremonies with Executive
sec 7. Participate in selection process:
- Issue invitation to eligible candidates from 10th,
11th, 12th grades with Student Activity
Information Form instructions for NHS consideration.
- Collect Student Activity Information Forms, poll
faculty for information and convene Faculty Council.
- Serve as non-voting member in Faculty Council
Selection Procedure.
- Notify candidates of selection, nonselection to
sec 8. Guide chapter in implementation of stated
sec 9. Serve on Executive and Faculty Councils.
sec. 10. Organize selection of two candidates for national
scholarship consideration.
- Solicit counselors for their recommendations
- Obtain input for candidates from Faculty Council and counselors
- Work with principal to make selections
Article IV. Faculty Council
sec 1. Composition: rotation of five members chosen
from English, Social Studies, Science,
Mathematics, Counseling, Foreign Language,
Art, Tech-Media, plus Adviser.
sec 2. Duties
- Review Bylaws, Selection, Nonselection,
Dismissal Procedures each school year.
- Obtain and consider membership views on
Selection, Nonselection, Dismissal Procedures.
- Develop procedures for Faculty Council meetings.
- Attend meetings, become actively involved with
- Conference with non-selected candidates
regarding areas for expansion, improvement.
- Elect candidates to membership in Fall (juniors,
seniors) and Spring (sophomores).
sec 3. Support NHS activities.
Article V. Executive Committee
sec 1. Composition: President, Vice President,
Secretary, Treasurer, Adviser.
sec 2. Duties:
- General:
- Assume responsibility of leadership for committees.
- Evaluate/revise current year's Bylaws.
- Develop NHS goals for current/coming year with general membership.
- Plan and implement induction/installation ceremonies.
- Work with incoming officers on next years schedule, duties.
- Recommend membership fee amount and collections procedures.
- Approve all expenditures of NHS funds.
- Inform new members of their responsibilities, Chapter regulations and committee assignment.
- Reserve space and execute all preparations for activities.
- President
- Preside at membership meetings.
- Assume leadership role in Public Relations.
- Advise committee heads as determined by Executive Committee.
- Act as liaison between membership, Adviser, Principal, Faulty Council.
- Vice-President
- Support President as requested.
- Assist with committees.
- Inform members of upcoming meetings - bulletins etc.
- Secretary
- Take notes and roll for all meetings, file.
- File registration documents with school Activities Department.
- Provide absent slips - assure collection procedure in place.
- Assist with NHS files.
- Treasurer
- Obtain print-out at the beginning of each school year of funds available.
- Prepare yearly budget: needs based on projects/activities proposed.
- Work with Principal, Adviser to determine fund sources.
- Report status of accounts at general meetings.
- Keep running account of intake and expenditures.
- Collect dues.
sec 3. Meetings schedule
- Executive Committee to meet the day prior to all NHS meetings.
- All meetings, retreats at set at year end in coordination with other honor societies and school.
- Students in 10th, 11th, 12th grades, in at least their second TAS semester, having attained a cumulative GPA of 3.6, are academically qualified for membership consideration in the National Honor Society, Taipei American School Chapter.
- cumulative GPA inclusive of all classes taken 9 - 12.
- all Honors, IBH/AP classes, IBS English, IBS Pre-calculus, and IBS Biology, are weighted plus .5.
- Students in 10,11,12th grades are screened for a cumulative 3.6 GPA. (students may check with Adviser if they feel they have been left off list)
- Scholastically eligible students are notified and advised to complete the Student Activity Information Form for further consideration for selection to NHS.
- form to be supplied by, and returned to, NHS Adviser.
- form to be evaluated annually by Executive Committee.
- National Honor Society criteria for Leadership, Service, Character distributed to all upper school faculty with candidate evaluation forms.
- TAS teachers polled regarding Leadership, Service, Character for each candidate.
- The Faculty Council reviews Student Activity Information Forms and teacher evaluations. Candidate/faculty interview may be included in the process.
- A summary sheet, listing the total scores of all students considered, and those selected, shall be given to the Adviser for NHS records.
- Administration to check all candidates for behavior resulting in disciplinary action. If found in violation of school rules or procedures, candidate will be disqualified from NHS consideration.
- Nonselected candidates and their parents can request an interview with the principal for an explanation of the Selection Procedure.
- All Faculty Council decisions are confidential and final.
- Protested cases will be reviewed by the principal.
- Faculty Council will not be interviewed regarding their participation in the confidential selection process.
- Each candidate will be advised of the areas needing improvement by a Faculty Council member.
- Faculty Council is the decision making body for dismissal.
- Grounds for dismissal include, but are not limited to,
- GPA falling below 3.6
- If first lowering of GPA is a rounded 3.6, student will receive a verbal warning from the adviser.
- If first lowering of GPA falls below a rounded 3.6, student will receive a written warning from the adviser.
- Student will be given one quarter to rectify the situation; if the GPA still is below 3.6, the student will reveive the second written warning and given another quarter to raise the GPA.
- At the end of the second quarter, if the GPA is still below 3.6, the student will be referred to the Faculty Council for dismissal consideration.
- not maintaining Leadership, Service and Character standards.
- Dismissal steps
- Written notice of infraction from Adviser.
- Adviser conference to
- develop Plan of Action to correct situation
- action time line
- evaluation of correction
- Second warning:
- Adviser conference: Plan of Action, timeline, evaluation.
- Two warnings and inadequate correction, Faculty Council referral for Dismissal consideration.
- Faculty Council
- gather information on dismissal referral.
- conduct hearing with student.(minimum seven days notice)
- deliberate.
- Majority vote decides.
- Student to be
- advised of reason for dismissal hearing in writing
- given at least seven days to prepare explanation
- given the opportunity to address Faculty Council
- Any flagrant violation of school or civil laws will be directly referred for dismissal review without student notice.
- The decision of the Faculty Council can be appealed to the Principal.
- The right-to-know regarding disciplinary measures is limited to: Adviser, Faculty Council, Principal and student involved.
Article IX. Membership Obligations
sec 1. Procedures:
- review and make suggestions for current year's version of Bylaws
- review and make suggestions for Selection, Dismissal Procedures.
sec 2. Participate in Chapter Goal and Committee
sec 3. Meeting Attendance
- General membership to meet twice a month and committee meetings as arranged. Times determined by Executive Committee.
- Attendance
- submit excuse in writing to secretary prior to scheduled meeting
- roll to be taken by secretary.
- unexcused absence to result in verbal notification from Secretary
- two unexcused absences, verbal warning from Adviser
- three unexcused absences, referral to Advisor for formal action plan
- four unexcused absences, dismissal referral to Faculty Council
sec 4. Executive Committee Election procedures
- Elections:
Officers to be elected during April general meeting.
- Candidates nominated from floor.
- Vote by secret ballot during meeting.
- Offices: President; Vice President, Secretary Treasurer.
- Once election procedure begins, meeting is closed.
- Officers count ballots, Adviser supervises.
sec. 5 Scholarship Selection
- Annual TAS Chapter Award
- All senior NHS members eligible.
- All members to review student biography, review NHS criteria.
- Secret ballot, all members vote during last April meeting.
- National NHS scholarship candidates
- Two candidates will be chosen in the fall by the membership based on criteria specifying character, leadership, service and scholarship.
- all seniors considered
- scholarship representatives to be chosen from nominations from Counselors, Faculty Council and Advisers.
- Selection to be by Principal and Advisers.
sec. 6 Project participation
- each member is to participate in the Chapter project of tutoring.
- within committee: develop project worthy of NHS: service, leadership, character
- fulfill a need within school or community
- supported by administration and faculty
- appropriate and educationally sound, not in conflict with activities of other school organizations.
- well-planned, organized and executed.
sec 7. Self-evaluation
- rate yourself on the NHS criteria at the beginning of each school year.
- at years end rate yourself in committee: group skills, contribution
- identify areas of weakness and implement improvement plan individually and as group member
- develop personal relations with student body and community.
sec 8. Dues
- Each member pays $100 NT/year.
- Dues are used for NHS expenses for paper, supplies, annual scholarship, or other needs that arise.
- Dues are due and payable at first General Meeting attended.
- Payment of dues required for continuing membership.
Article X. Standing Committees
sec. 1. Committee Responsibilities:
- Each committee is to create ways to implement its purpose
- Each committee head is a leadership position
- Heads to be elected by each committee.
- Committee heads to be elected at the beginning of school year.
- Committee heads will be responsible to an executive officer
- Committee heads organize, take roll and delegate actions for implementing committee goals.
sec 2. Leadership:
- Develop ways to evolve leadership skills for the society/yourself.
- Assist with disseminating Handbook information
- Plan workshop about leadership
sec. 3. Tutoring:
- Implement tutoring K-12.
- Develop and implement SAT tutoring for juniors
- Encourage NHS: members working on tutoring i.e. DeBug teacher tutoring, tutoring already in place
- Information regarding times available, level and subject preference to be coordinated with lower, middle, high school students through counseling.
- Teach membership tutoring procedures.
sec. 4. Character:
- Write article on character for newspaper
- Create ways to publicize honorable actions
- Find and share information on character with other members
- Ask school publications to feature stories on favorite stories of character
sec. 5. Service:
- Arrange and implement ushering at Open House, Graduation, Inductions, school functions per principal request.
- Coordinate with NHJS for Open House ushering.
- Coordinate information on TAS service activities
- Assist in the development of service projects
- Assist with retreat, induction decorations.
sec. 6. History:
- Maintain and expand current photo albums of induction ceremonies
- Photograph NHS activities
- Develop file of all past NHS groups recorded in year books
- Create NHS/TAS alumnae file
sec. 7. Publicity:
- develop and maintain NHS Bulletin Board, 2nd floor across from 2B32.
- write NHS news articles: i.e., projects (group, individual) for Window; Blue & Gold; China Post; China News; Tiger Telegraph; Upper School News.
- Oversee NHS publicity in TAS publications.
sec. 8. Computer:
- Continue computer data-match program
- Utilize other committees to implement fund-raiser
- Use computer skills to assist other committees as needed.
- Develop TAS/NHS web page
sec. 9. Scholarship:
- Review Leadership magazine for information on scholarship/share with peers
- Research scholarships not used each year
- Find out about TAS scholarship needs
- Provide information on all seniors available for NHS scholarship.
- Conduct NHS scholarship selection.
sec. 10. Number and variety of committees to be
determined at beginning of each school year,
adjusting to need and opportunity.
Article I
Name and Purpose
Article II
Article III
Article IV
Faculty Council
Article V
Executive Committee
Article VI
Selection Procedure
Article VII
Article VIII
Dismissal Procedure
Article IX
Membership Obligations
Article X
Standing Committees
General Info
• About NHS
• Bylaws
• Roster
• Alumni