Litha 1999 Newsletter

Wemoon 2000

Storytellers, Amazons, Mermaids & Hedgewitches

April 21st - 24th 2000

PAN Home

WEMOON was first celebrated in 1995. The gathering came into being as a way for all wimmin to come together, away from the ordinary world and create a community of WIMMIN. A safe space for wimmin to just be. A place to reconnect with our inner child...our wild woman...our sloth woman...our selves. A place to find new strengths and empower ourselves through ritual and the reclaiming of wimmin's TRADITIONS.

We are celebrating the 7th Wemoon, and this year we will be experiencing different aspects of self through the elements of AIR...FIRE...WATER...EARTH

So we will learn to speak and sing with the tongue of the storyteller of air...Bring the spark of the amazon of fire into our warrior selves...weave the spells and magik of the earthy hedgewitch...and as mermaid we shall swim deeply in the moonkissed waters of self...and discover the priestess within

Throughout the course of the weekend, we will be making incense, staffs, magik mirrors, healing poppets, magikal brews, face designs and more..And experiencing...rituals of the aspects, guided visualisations, divination, singing, dancing, drumming...plan for a very full weekend!

There are other rituals available upon request...girls rite of passage, blessings for pregnant women, rite of passage for women upon menopause and healing for women who have been sexually abused.

Arrivals from Thursday eve...depart Monday afternoon. Informal markets on Monday so bring your wares. All registration before 30th March early.

Cost: $150 includes site fees, all meals (vegetarian), all beverages, all rituals / workshops / things created.


Join with all wimmin and share the beauty of natural bushland on secluded property in Northern NSW...1 hour inland from Casino. This is a camping only weekend so BYO tent. Contact: Hawthorne Wemoon 2000 c/- Post Office Old Bonalbo N.S.W. 2469

Cheques payable to "Toadstool Magazine" send SSAE for return and info on registration
