Mabon 2000 Newsletter


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Hello again, and welcome to another edition of your state newsletter. As summer winds down, the mornings have started to become cooler, and the breeze of an afternoon is a welcome relief from the summer heat - not that we've had much of a summer... The summer fishing has been good, and it reminds me of times when our ancestors would have full shelves one year, and bare cupboards the next. The wheel turns constantly, bringing new challenges and inspiration.

How do you mark your summer passing? Is it the start of the footy season? This year winter sports have started early in NSW because of the Olympics in September, throwing my usual marking of the wheel out by a month. But is also shows the flexibility in the cycles of nature, adaptations and challenges! Is there a special indication in nature you look for, or a wider recognition of the turning of the seasons?

As we prepare to stand once again on the balance between summer and winter, light and dark, we prepare ourselves to celebrate and say thanks for the harvests in our lives.

Therefore, this is one of the more difficult decisions I have been faced with making in recent years and it is with a touch of sadness that I write these next lines...

I have decided to take a break from the world of form and spend some time in the invisible world - the world of the mind, of imagination and learning. Huh? What that means is that I have recently been accepted to study for a Masters degree, and consequently, I have been reducing my commitments and freeing up some time for the next three years. I don't feel that I would be able to successfully manage the Masters degree and give the Alliance the time and commitment that I would like. So, NSW is in search of a new co-ordinator.

Now let me get sentimental for a moment...
I first took up this position when Jon and Chel took over the running of the production of Pagan Times and they called for a new co-ordinator for NSW. I hadn't been a member long (only a few months I think), and remember writing to Chel saying if they couldn't find any other volunteers, I'd have a go. That was three years ago. Since that time, the PA NSW, has grown in membership and reflected in this has been the expansion of the newsletter and more involvement in the community (e.g., Human Rights submissions, Pagan Fairs and more recently, Pagans in the Pub). The PA NSW has established itself as an important information, networking and collaborating organisation in NSW. But wait there's more!

That's right - there's more to be done. The PA NSW has grown and is now ready to grow or continue under the inspiration of another co-ordinator. There are things that I could have done, things I did, and perhaps things I shouldn't have done as co-ordinator, but that does not mean that the work should not continue by someone else who can bring their strengths and ideas to the role. There is strength in diversity as our motto tells us, and by sharing the position, we share our diversity.

Each co-ordinator brings their own perspective, strengths and weaknesses, and it is easy to lose sight of what you set out to achieve. It was through the annual survey of members, that I was able to stay on track - have a reality check, and continue in the direction that members wanted us heading. This annual survey of members is one of the highlights on the PAN schedule, providing an opportunity for valuable feedback, honest suggestions and criticisms and some humour too! Thanks a million to anyone who has ever filled out a survey form, your input is what kept me going! (and that is what has also made this decision even more difficult).

I would really like to continue to be involved in the Alliance, and would like to offer support to the next person elected to serve the needs of the NSW members. Who knows with all this free time now, I might write an article or two for PAN! (ha!)

I'd like to apologise if I didn't do something I said I would, or didn't return your call or letter. I could offer excuses, but that still doesn't answer your call. Please accept my humblest apologies for being distracted from the job at hand.

I would like to thank the following people, for without their support and contribution, NSW would be a lesser place. Firstly, thanks to Colin, who had sent in so many pictures and articles over the years. Thanks also to Maria for her contributions to PAN (good luck with your path and your family), Thanks of course to Jon and Chel, who are always there as a support, providing much needed motivation and information along the way. Thanks to the other state co-ordinators for sharing your knowledge and wisdom with me. Thanks to Daniel, for the hours you spent helping me proof read, fold, staple, stamp and mail the newsletters. Thanks also for keeping me on track and firmly planted in reality (I owe you a beer or two I think!). Thanks to Silver Sun (you know who you are) for your letters and for sharing the birth of your daughter with us. Thanks of course to Peter who maintains our web site (keep up the fantastic job). Thanks to Glenys for sending Deep Ecology information my way and reminding me that there are Sun Goddesses as well (a reminder that has always stayed with me, and helped me remember there are many different traditions and ways of doing things - thanks). Thanks to Morgan, our very first Media Officer from NSW (thanks for the conversations and points of view, and for planting the seed of Cooper Park in my mind - I've now been fortunate enough to sepnd some time there and do a ritual). Thanks to Laren for providing such valuable assistance in the early days (including setting up the web site, and acting as media officer) Thanks to the Sydney Wiccans, Applegrove, Pagan Awareness Network, Rainbow Dragon, Rune Gild, Allanah Moore, Philip Peters, Julia Phillips, Free Pagan Church, and all the other NSW groups and organisations that have shared your information and events information with the members of NSW. Thanks of course must go to you the members, (some of you have been members since the Alliance was formed!), I could not have done this job without you all there to motivate and inspire me. If I have forgotten to thank anyone personally, your efforts have not gone unnoticed.

Please consider becoming a part of the Alliance (either as an individual nomination or perhaps a two person team), and contributing something to the community that you are a part of. It doesn't have to be forever, a small contribution is all that's required to help your fellow members. The nomination form has been included in this newsletter at the back. Nominations will close at: 4pm Friday 7th April 2000

May the blessings of the Goddess and God be upon us all.
