My Experiences with Scientology.®

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Why I love Scientology:

Scientology works. For me, it's similar to a toolbox full of tools that you can use to fix and build your life and greatly increase your level of happiness.

Scientology is non-dogmatic and non-authoritarian. One is invited to study it and understand it, to accept only those things that are true according to your own observations.

Scientology appeals to the engineer and scientist in me. Principles in Scientology are considered only as valuable as they are workable.

Just a few of the many improvements I have seen in myself as a result of applying Scientology:

I used to be very introverted, somewhat critical, and tired all the time. All that changed with the just the very first course I did in Scientology, the Communication Course. It wasn't a class as one would think of a class, but more of a workshop, with the most clever, workable exercises I have ever done. In fact, my change was so fast and so noticeable, that both my parents, neither of whom were Scientologists, encouraged me to study Scientology as much as I wanted to.

I can communicate freely with anyone on any subject and yet have no compulsion about 'having to talk'. I used to feel uncomfortable in situations where no one was talking, such as in an elevator. Now I just feel peaceful, whether talking or not.

All the 'noise' that used to be in my mind is gone. I can be instantly serene nearly any time I want to.

I no longer mind others talking to me about unpleasant subjects. I have no compulsion to butt in on others' conversations or inhibit their communication with each other.

I no longer have any interest in using drugs or alcohol. This is because I feel so great now. Drugs or alcohol would bring me down from this great feeling.

My perceptions have been greatly enhanced. Colors look very bright to me. Nearly every environment I find myself in has an artistic quality to it. Life looks great.

I solve problems more easily.

My affection for others has greatly increased and I am much more understanding of and tolerant of faults in my fellow human beings.

My belief in God has been strengthened.

My ability to study and learn quickly has been greatly increased. This has resulted in a much higher income.

Although my body is 43 years old (the photo above was taken at age 43), I have more energy than I did when 25 years old.

I have a keen enjoyment of life. I know who I am and I'm very happy to be myself.

My advice about ANY subject is to find out for yourself and make up your own mind. The scientific way to come to a conclusion about the workability of a subject would be to understand the theory, apply it precisely, and see what the results are.

Best wishes,

Loren Sherman


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