
I don't understand
what I'm thinking.
Or even if I'm
thinking at all.
My mind is confused
and unsure
I just don't know
what to do.
There is no feeling
inside ,
I'm just hollow.
My eyes look
but don't really see.
My ears are listening
but can't really hear.
It seems as though
everyone has changed
But everyone says
it's me who's changed.
Have I?
I don't know.
I don't seem to know
anything anymore.
People get angry
when I shut up my thoughts
But I can't let them out
if no one is there.
All I see now
is everyone's backs.
They've all turned
against me.
I haven't changed
I'm still the same
Look through me
and you will see.
Look through my skin
and into my soul
Can you find me
deep inside?
I've buried myself
with my feelings and thoughts.
Things'll never be the same.
Will they.

*****WARREN G. WRIGHT*****
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