Professional Lover


A faceless guy suffered from inferiority complex
How hopelessly longed for a love
Like many other youth I also thought I want to love
 ... someone so intimate
 ... someone I can reveal
 ... someone I caress
 ... someone I would like to join hands with me for all part of my life
When I said you could be that someone
You outrightly rejected me
I accepted as I felt I don't deserve
Reluctant heart beats for you
Distressedly ignored continuously by you
Tried my hand in painting
- and the red-rose looked pale
I wrote "The Euphoria didn't last for long..."
Millions of faces gave me the consolation...
One face can forget others...
The philosophical writings liked by the second
Told me "She loves me"
I thought I was so lucky
I felt great and achieved as I'd never been before
 ... in love with a girl
Jumped in the air with joy
Bumped the hand with success
Darkened tree lined both sides of avenue
The flowers that lost its fragrance started falling one by one
Snow started falling and occasional breeze pierced the ears and chilled the chin
Held my dear's hand in tight - walking slowly without a word
Dew is formed on the edges of grass
As I neared her still, sweat dripped and the dew got warmed up
But the innocent chap got into the hands of playful tomboy who took me for a ride
I was shaken by the STORM and cast into deep sorrow
Sitting on the lakeside I was looking at the reflection of the Moon on the still water
Threw a pebble into the water, the Moon got disturbed
Came to sense -
I remember I'd a smiling face then
Years passed and time cured but the scar remains
With blunt approach asked many a girl
 ... One at railway station seeing her for years
 ... One at work, who was an easy prey
Rejections and rejections...
Not learnt anything from mistakes
Where my character was assassinated
But decided to take a professional approach
Started to play the same innocent game
Nature has some surprise in store for me and send her to shower some love on me
Still I'd a fear I would lose
Hold myself back from saying anything
Because there is nothing to lose because already I am a defeatist
Nothing to gain because I'm not sincere
Just to keep her guessing, a game I enjoyed myself
And when she said "She is interested in me"
I laughed off and said
"If I'm going to love you truly now,
Then what's my past...?
If I'd been genuine then why didn't I get,
If I was not, then I don't want to repeat the same mistake once again"
Tears rolled down on her cheek and she said "You've denied your love"
Harmed by me she said "Stranger!, I can't forget"
Days taught me I was wrong
Repeated thoughts said I hurt her and asked for a pardon
Restored my smile and I was in blissful thoughts of union with her
With reproachment I decided to write her
"Disclose your heart, I am ever for your love"
Unknowingly I'm once again in love

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