Tickles, Tickles, Tickles


It started with talking everything under the Sun
It struck me as a flash -
whether it wont be nice to carry the same talks for ever
Ignored initially my mind's question
But it slowly formed as a desire to continue thinking of you
Flashes of your smiling faces -
given a jerk in my stride
Night passed by speaking to Moon, alone
Obsessed by your thoughts
That night finally I decided to reveal my feelings
Fresh-smile born in the next morning
But something held me from saying whatever I wanted when talking to you
Self-imposed barrier stopped me - fears of losing further talks
Continued with the same mind-ragging feelings I reduced speaking to you,  almost stopped
As everytime I swallowed saying 'I LOVE YOU'
It missed in the tip of the lips
When I fumbled with words you just laughed with easiness that
'You are also in love already'
As you touched with the tip of your soft-fingers, millions of tickles send  down my body
Zoomed into the space it took time to come down-to-earth
Chuckles lasted for hours leaving me excited
Reached the end of the globe - the world was within our reach


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