I mentioned previously that part of the “mission” while in the spirit state is to help or guide those in the physical state. More specifically, we seem to alternate this duty throughout each of our lives with one other person/spirit exclusively. i.e.,we are their spirit guide while they are in physical form, and they are our spirit guide while we are in physical form. (Please see the section entitled "From The Beginning" for a more detailed description of this.) There are odd instances, where for some reason one or the other cannot perform this function, (such as an overlap of lives, assistance needed elsewhere, etc...), and thus a third spirit would have to step in and carry out this duty. However, this is HIGHLY unusual and just as unlikely.

Typically, the spirit guide is available to the physical being only if sought after or requested. In some instances, however, such as a life or death situation, the spirit guide may intervene and may even make its presence known. Examples of this are seen all the time in reports of “angels” appearing and “saving” an individual from some dire situation.

The easiest way to “contact” your spirit guide is via a meditational journey to your spirit room. Again, as was stated in the section on the spirit room, this may occur on one’s first visit to their spirit room, but do not become disheartened if this is not the case for you. Depending on a number of things, this meeting may not take place for several or even for many visits to one’s spirit room. I can not express emphatically enough that patience is of the utmost importance in this instance. Impatience leads to emotional and consciousness blocks...meaning that you will simply hinder your own growth in this area. Another issue that I have found to be a strong influence as to whether or not an individual will meet their spirit guide early on is if the person has a preconceived notion as to who the spirit guide is, or what they look like. In other words, if you desire your spirit guide to be a young, beautiful female...and this is the image you focus on with each visit to your spirit room, then I am here to tell you, you may never meet them. The spirit guide determines the form it will take, and for you to have a preconceived idea about their appearance, is, in essence, an insult to them. You must open your mind and be willing to accept them for what they are. Only in this way will you be open to what they have to teach you. One final comment along these same lines is the issue of your spirit guide’s name. Learn it well...and learn it in a reasonable amount of time. Nothing is more disrespectful than to continually get someone’s name wrong....or to consider it not very important to learn.

The spirit guide can take on many forms and/or guises including either gender, old or young, lover or sibling, parent or teacher, etc.... In most cases, the spirit guide will retain the same form through one complete lifecycle of the physical being. For example, if your spirit guide appears to you as a middle-aged, sisterly woman, they will probably remain that way throughout this lifetime. In some instances, the spirit guide may even take on a form that is not quite human such as an angel or other “humanoid” appearance. Do not be concerned if this happens. In the earliest days of existance when we originally chose our spirit guides, we began the journey in the same "realm." (i.e., in the same dimension or on the same plane.) However, since each spirit has their own "agenda" so to speak, their own lessons and experiences to master, any spirit may choose to evolve to the next level or realm even if their spirit partner does not. With reference to time, this would only span a couple of lifetimes...few spirit guides will move that far ahead of their partner. But it could result in a spirit guide who appears to be other than human. The perfect instance of course, is that of angels. We know that the angelic realm is the next level in our evolution, so it is not surprising that as time goes on, more and more instances of encounters with angels are reported. These are simply spirit guides who have moved on to the next level while their partners have remained here as humans. Let me make it clear that simply because you or your spirit guide have evolved to the next level in no way implies that you must change spirit guides. Again, in the spirit realm, all things are equal. i.e., spirits do not change, only the physical form changes.

(NOTE: A brief note on the spirit guide as “lover”.....this may happen initially, and if so, is serving some sort of purpose or need for the human. However, this situation should never be allowed to “take the place” of relationships in the physical plane, and therefore, should not continue indefinitely.) Keep in mind that the form the spirit guide takes is based on what they feel will be the most beneficial to the human.

Trust your spirit guide completely, for they work from a base of total love for you and concern for your development. You may not always agree with their answers or methods, but you will quickly come to realize the depth of feeling you have for each other, and will treasure this relationship as one of the most important you will ever experience.


(Note: For a better and/or clearer understanding of this section, you might want to read the section on Triads and Whites, Grays, and Blacks first.)

The first spirits to evolve to the human stage began our mission of tending Gaea’s garden. (The surface of this world). As they learned more, they were given the opportunity to have a hand in creating some of the “things” that exist here...both living and non-living.

Whites, being able to create organic life, set out to design many of the animals and living things that would eventually populate the planet. Blacks, being able to create inorganic only, spent their time creating many of the rocks, minerals, crystals, and gems that we are familiar with, as well as many of the elements. Grays, being able to create organic and inorganic, assisted both the Whites and the Blacks.

Somewhere along the way, there came to be a meshing or blurring of the job duties among the Advocates. Blacks began trying their hand at creating animals, but not being able to create organic life, their creations were mostly made of “energy”. In addition, these animals broke all the rules Gaea and the Whites had defined for life, often consisting of modified versions of designs “borrowed” from the Whites or which the Whites had discarded. In this manner, some of the Blacks’ designs resembled those of the Whites, but with slight, or not so slight differences. A good example of this is...the Whites created the dinosaurs; the Blacks created dragons. In addition, because of the nature of these “animals”, they existed kind of half in and half out of the physical plane. (As you will read later, this is one of the reasons these animals were “removed” from the planet in the early days of the betrayal.) In some instances, the designs actually did meet the requirements for life even though the “animal” was a bit bizarre, and so was granted life. The platypus is an example of just such an animal.

On the other side of the coin, the Whites were busy trying their hand at creating inorganic things. Unfortunately, this proved to be more difficult than they had imagined, but did lead to some interesting “objects” that seem to have the characteristics of both living and non-living things, or phenomenon like pearls, that had to be produced by living organisms but were not, in and of themselves, living.

Since the Whites created the organic animals, that is what they were given as their spirit animal. (More accurately, a spiritual-level representation of those animals.) Along those same lines, since the Blacks created the “energy” (now called mythological) animals, that is what they were given for their spirit animal. Finally, since Grays were involved in the creation of both the organic and the “energy” animals, they claim one of each as their spirit animals. For those Advocates who evolved into the human stage after the creation of the animals, each would "inherit" a spirit animal based somewhat on their being a Black, a White, or a Gray, and also on their individual frequency vibration. (NOTE: Everything in the universe, organic and inorganic, has a frequency at which it vibrates. Although each frequency is as unique as a fingerprint, frequencies which are similar are attracted to one another. (While on the other side of the coin, frequencies which are drastically different often repel each other.) This is the reason why certain people have an affinity for using crystals while others do not, or even why some people may find that a particular herb or herbs gives them amazing results while the next person experiences absolutely no affect. This all has to do with their frequencies vibrating in a similar pattern, and therefore, being attracted to one another. Along those same lines, all Whites vibrate with a somewhat similar pattern, as do all Blacks, and all Grays. Let me caution the reader that this does not mean that all Whites (or Blacks or Grays) are the same. Far from it. I am merely adding a new dimension to the explanation of the (classifications of) Advocates.)

As was the case with your spirit guide, you will usually “meet” your spirit animal(s) during a visit to your spirit room. Again, I must emphasize, do not be discouraged if it takes more than a time or two. They will appear to you in good time...when you are ready...or whenever they deem it appropriate. Additionally, I would give the same advice I gave about the spirit guide....which is do NOT form a preconceived notion about what your spirit animal will be. This is usually viewed as an insult, and may prevent them from appearing to you at all. Showing disappointment after meeting your spirit animal is also considered in poor taste and may cause your spirit animal to disappear for a very long time. One last reminder...is about your spirit animal’s(s’) name(s). Show the same respect as you would for your spirit guide and learn the name correctly, and within a reasonably short amount of time.

Your spirit animal(s) will quickly become a cherished companion. Please do not treat them like pets, since they have a “sentience”, if you will, uncommon to any animal in the physical plane. Some spirit animals will actually engage in “human” coversation with you, while some prefer a more telepathic means of communication. Either way, you will find yourself turning to them time and again for their valuable advice and opinions. The spirit animals are much like the spirit guides in this respect, however they bring a different “feel” to both the information they provide to you and the way they provide it. Spirit animals are strongly attached to Gaea and are here specifically to help you while you are in the human realm and most specifically with issues you may encounter in the physical plane. (Spirit guides, on the other hand, assist you indefinitely, through each life, in every plane and realm, and focus on the more spiritual issues of each existence.) Spirit animals may also represent qualities that you are either lacking or that are strong within you...and can teach you how to bring these qualities into your life, or manage them more effectively. If you are familiar with the Native American spirit animals or totems, they are very similar. The biggest difference between the two seems to be the level of sentience and/or personality that our spirit animals possess.

Your spirit animal(s) will remain with you through each and every life of the human stage of evolution. They are with you whether you are in the spirit state or the physical state as long as you are assigned to this realm. Your feelings of familiarity and connectedness will return soon after meeting them again. Treasure these friends...for they will prove invaluable allies in your journey.


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