Creepy Recurring MaximumPC Lab Image
The most current version of the image, used with permission
The mysterious image...
And so it begins...

     I have been an avid Maximum PC reader since back in 2001. But in 2002 I noticed an odd disturbance in the otherwise calm waters of Maximum PC imagery. A repeated photo. Not just some random occurrence. It was in the very next issue!

     Then it subsided for some time, but then came back again! I decided it was time to document this rare alien artifact, which rates up there with the theory about the face in Janet Jackson's nipple.

     Before I begin, a few notes. Yes, this page was made with Yahoo PageBuilder. Why? Because I am a web-designer who is reeeallly lazy, so spare me. Also I believe there may be a gap because unfortunately I lost a number of magazines. (I'm sure one such issue had it as part of a screenshot of a graphics editor's thumbnail view.)
Ultimate Boot CD
GTAVC PC Real Life Mods
Name: Cliff
August 2004, page 57
Type: PC + Fender = Profit?
Location: <A Legend Is Born>
Middle image, right sidebar

Defining characteristics: Gordon appears to have become a rather good functional design diagram arist, and Logan learned how to draw a nice Fender. One must wonder who drew the lettering, because it sure as hell wasn't them!

Caption: "Not wanting to be outdone by a bunch of long hairs, we put our heads together and tried to come up with a PC-based cover that would rock as hard as Guitar World on the newsstand. They will rue the day they went head to head with the most kick-ass PC magazine on the planet!"

March 2004, page 61
Type: E=mc2 + LOL2
Location: <EDITOR'S EDICT / Be More Funny!>
Middle image, right sidebar

Defining characteristics: Can be misinterpreted to make MPC newbies think that Gordan is Logan and vice versa for Logan. If you look closely, you can even see the difference in the white color where the image editor did not bother balacing the white background from the new text with the original white background of the board in the image. For shame.

Caption: "In a desperate bid to save their jobs, Logan and Gordon hit the Lab. While testing the side effects of knock-knock jokes, they stumble upon the Decker-Ung Unifying Theory of Humor, which lets them mathematically determine the funniest things in the universe..."

November 2003, page 79
Type: Contest
Location: <Have You Seen Our Missing Predicates?>
Middle image, right sidebar

Defining characteristics: First occurrence of replacement text on whiteboard.

Caption: "MISSING: The final words of our October issue Rig of the Month contest instruction teaser. See previous page for what, exactly?"

October 2002, page 53
Type: Tube
Location: <Gordon Mah Ung Through the Ages>

Defining characteristics: Biggest print ever, but right-half is cropped.

Caption: "Maximum PC has changed a lot during the past four years, but amid all the clamor, there's been one constant: Gordan Mah Ung. So why in the world does our senior editor sport so many different looks?"

March 2002, page 61
Type: Tube
Location: <Honey, I Shrunk the Intern>
Middle image, right sidebar

Defining characteristics: Same exact image from previous, just smaller.

Caption: "As we've learned from years of experience, there's no problem that a little time at the drawing board can't solve. Gordon and Logan calculate a course of action."

February 2002, page 63
Type: Tube
Location: <Weird Science>
Top image, right sidebar

Defining characteristics: Featured Gordon in a look VERY dated, compared to his look of that era, which was the nail-polish era.

Caption: "Our objective? To create a being in our own likeness."
