Religion - Pantheon


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That we've broken their statues that we've driven them out of their temples doesn't 
mean at all that the gods are dead ..
Kostas Kavafis (1863-1933)


The origins of the Hellenic religion, as with any archaic religion, are lost in time - in the first and only truth. 
But the ancient Hellenes have left for us a great legacy, an excellent and most preserved documentation and
works of art about their religious beliefs, philosophy and culture, which until now affect us in many ways in our lifes.
Following there is information of the most important Gods, Goddesses and Deities
of the thousands that are listed in the Hellenic Mythology, Heroes, Mysteries and Hymns.



Principal Gods
 Gaia  Ouranos  Eros
 Titanes (Titans)
 Kronos  Iapetos  Oceanos  Hypereion  Creios  Coeos
 Rhea  Themis  Tethys  Theia  Mnemosyne  Phebe
 Helios  Hecate  Hades
Olympian Gods
 Zeus  Apollon  Ares  Hephaestos  Poseidon  Hermes
 Hera  Athena  Aphrodite  Artemis  Demetra  Hestia
Lesser Gods
 Aeolos  Chloris  Eris  Morpheus  Notos  Tyche
 Asclepios  Dike  Euros  Nemesis  Pan  Zephyros
 Boreas  Eos  Hebe  Nike  Selene  Charites
 Erinyes  Horae  Moires  Mouses  Nymphes  Satyroi
 Heracles  Iason  Theseus
Eleusinian Orphic Kabirian Andarian
Homeric hymns
to Aphrodite to Asclepios to Gaia to Hera to Muses to Zeus
to Apollon to Athena to Hebe to Hermes to Pan
to Ares to Demetra to Helios to Hestia to Poseidon
to Artemis to Dionysos to Hephaestos to Iris to Selene
Orphic Hymns
to Aether to Artemis to Dionysos to Hera to Night - Nyx to Poseidon
to Aphrodite to Asclepios to Hades to Hermes to Ouranos to Selene
to Apollon to Athena to Hecate to Hestia to Pan to Zeus
to Ares to Demetra to Hephaestos to Muses to Persephone  

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