Faculty of Philosophy, Belgrade, Serbia

Department for Pedagogy and Andragogy



Ø       Ovesni, K. (2001), Education of Adult Educators, (European Experiences), Institut za pedagogiju i andragogiju Filozofskog fakulteta u Beogradu, Beograd, EAE.pdf

Ø       Ovesni, K. (2007), Professionalization of the field of adult education, PhD dissertation, 389.p. (defended 25 June 2007, at Faculty of Philosophy, Belgrade) PhD.pdf

Ø       Ovesni, K. (2000), Concepts and Models of Professional Preparation of Andragogues, MA Thesis, 485.p. (defended 05 July 2000, at Faculty of Philosophy, Belgrade) MA.pdf



Ø      Ovesni, K. (2008), Andragogically designed support for realization of the concept of learning organization through the application of modern information technology, „Obrazovanje i učenje - pretpostavke evropskih integracija",  tematski zbornik radova, Institute for Pedagogy and Andragogy, Faculty of Philosophy, University of Belgrade, Belgrade, pp.179-191. ADSO.pdf

Ø      Alibabic, Sh., Ovesni, K. (2008), Career Development of a Teacher, Inovacije u osnovno{kolskom obrazovanju:  od postoje}eg ka mogu}em, Zbornik radova, Belgrade: U~iteljski fakultet, pp. 38-49. cdt.pdf

Ø      Alibabic, Sh., Ovesni, K. (2008), Modern Technology as a Base for the Realization of the Concept of Lifelong Education and Lifelong Learning, Obrazovanje odraslih, Sarajevo, Vol. VIII, No. 2, pp. 69-85 mt-lll-2008.pdf.

Ø      Ovesni, K. (2008), The Perception of Professional Autonomy Among Educators of Adults, 10th International Coference On Further Education In The Balkan Countries, October 23rd - 25th, Balkan Society For Pedagogy And Education & Selcuk University, Faculty Of Education, Konya, Turkey, in press PPA.pdf  ppa.ppt

Ø      Ovesni, K. (2008), Teaching Adults - A Proffession In Its Infancy, International Conference Edu-World 2008, “Education Facing Contemporary World Issues”, University of Pitesti, Romania, 05-08 June, 2008, pp. 279-289. pi.pdf.

Ø      Ovesni, K., Alibabic, Sh. (2008), School management -- a key for integration to the field of education in Europe, Book of Proceedings of the International Conference “European Unification and Educational Challenges in the Balkans”, Thessaloniki: Balkan Society for Pedagogy and Education & Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, pp. 165-170 sme.pdf sme.ppt.

Ø      Alibabic, Sh., Ovesni, K. (2007), Commitment -- A Base of Professionalism in Adult Education, Education and Values in the Balkan Countries, Thessaloniki: Balkan Society for Pedagogy and Education & Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, pp. 125-133 commitment.pdf commitment.ppt.

Ø      Ovesni, K. (2007), Andragogical knowledge -- A Key to Professionalization of the field of Adult Education, Andragogical studies, No. 2, pp. 5-22. az.pdf

Ø      Ovesni, K. (2007), Professional associations -- key element for making the adult education professional, Obrazovanje odraslih, Sarajevo, Vol. VII, No. 2, pp. 69-100. PA.pdf

Ø      Ovesni, K. (2007), Professional Competence of Andragogues, Book of Proceedings of the International Conference “Andragogija na pocetku treceg milenijuma”, 02. June 2006, Institute for Pedagogy and Andragogy, Faculty of Philosophy, University of Belgrade and Adult Education Society, Belgrade, pp. 323-334. PKA.pdf

Ø      Alibabic, Sh., Ovesni, K. (2007), Andragogues - knowledge managers, in: Klapan, A., Matijevic, M., Eds., Book of Proceedings of the International Conference “Adult Education for the Knowledge Economy”, Zagreb: Hrvatsko andragosko drustvo, pp. 9-16 AMZ.pdf.

Ø      Alibabic, Sh., Ovesni, K. (2006), Formation au service pour les directeurs en enseignement, Buletin Ştiinţific_Seria Ştiinţele Educaţiei, Editura Universitǎţii din Piteşti, No. 1, pp. 157-163.

Ø      Alibabic, Sh., Ovesni, K. (2006), Andragogic Stimulation of Teacher Professionalization, Lifelong Learning in the Balkans, Thessaloniki: Balkan Society for Pedagogy and Education, pp. 499-509 ASTP.pdf  astp.ppt

Ø      Alibabic, Sh., Ovesni, K. (2006), In-Service Training of Managers in Education, Lifelong Learning in the Balkans, Thessaloniki: Balkan Society for Pedagogy and Education, pp. 623-631 ITME.pdf

Ø      Alibabic, Sh., et Ovesni, K. (2005), La stimulation andragogique dans la formation professionelle des enseignants, Buletin Ştiinţific_Seria Ştiinţele Educaţiei, Editura Universitǎţii din Piteşti, No. 2, pp. 161-167.

Ø      Alibabic, Sh., Ovesni, K. (2005), Managing In-Service, Teaching Inovations, Vol. 18, No. 2, pp. 14-29. uprn.pdf

Ø      Alibabic, Sh., Ovesni, K. (2004), Andragogical models of educational need analysis in organizations, toward gaining optimal performance, 2004 Zbornik radova, Fakultet civilne odbrane Univerziteta u Beogradu, Beograd, pp. 115-128. muop.pdf

Ø      Ovesni, K. (2001), Razvoj kadrova za koncepciju medijske pismenosti, u: Danilovic, M., Popov, S., Ur., Tehnologija informatika obrazovanje, Institut za pedagoska istrazivanja i Centar za razvoj i primenu nauke, tehnologije i informatike, Novi Sad, str. 127-140 Model.pdf.

Ø      Ovesni, K. (2000), Concepts of Andragogy and Practice of Adult Education in The Netherlands, Andragoske studije, Vol 7. No. 1-2, pp. 47-60. tn.pdf

Ø      Ovesni, K., Samurovic, S. (2000), Constraints on Adult Education in the Era of “Digital Revolution” (Digital technology as a sword that can turn out either way), Spark-online (exploring electronic consciousness), issue 4.0, January, Constraints.html URL:

Ø      Ovesni, K. (1999), Concepts and Models of Professional Preparation of Andragogical Personnel in Belgium, Andragogical studies, Vol 6, No 1-2, pp. 46-64. Belgium.pdf

Ø      Ovesni, K. (1998), On-line Model of Adult Education and its Application in Training of Andragogical Personnel, Zbornik predavanja NETFORUM ‘98, SC i YUCCA, Belgrade, pp. 64-72. Netforum.pdf

Ø      Ovesni, K., Samurovi}, S. (1997), Alternative Models of Adult Education, Andragogical studies, Vol 4, No 2, pp.111-126.Alternative.pdf

Ø      Ovesni, K. (1996) Interrelation of Parents’ and Children’s Attitudes Towards Free Time and Leisure, in: (S. Medic, ed.), Research in Pedagogy and Andragogy, IPA, Belgrade, pp. 209-216. Interrelation.pdf

Ø      Ovesni, K. (1996) The concept of socio-cultural animation in andragogy, Andragogical studies, Vol 3, No 2, pp. 171-186. Animation.pdf

Ø     Ovesni, K. (1996) Amateurism as Factor of Activities in Leisure time of Adults, Andragogical studies, Vol 3, No 1, pp. 54-71. Amateurism.pdf


Ø      Alibabic, Sh., Ovesni, K. (2008), Career Development of a Teacher, Inovacije u osnovno{kolskom obrazovanju – od postoje}eg ka mogu}em, Scientific symposia, December, 10th, U~iteljski fakultet, Belgrade.

Ø      Ovesni, K. (2008), The Perception of Professional Autonomy Among Educators of Adults, 10th International Coference On Further Education In The Balkan Countries, October 23rd - 25th, Balkan Society For Pedagogy And Education & Selcuk University, Faculty Of Education, Konya, Turkey.

Ø      Ovesni, K. (2008), Teaching Adults - A Proffession In Its Infancy, International Conference Edu-World 2008, “Education Facing Contemporary World Issues”, University of Pitesti, Romania, 05-08 June, 2008.

Ø      Ovesni, K., Alibabic, Sh. (2007), School management -- a key for integration to the field of education in Europe, International Conference “European Unification and Educational Challenges in the Balkans”, 09 - 11 November, Thessaloniki, Greece.

Ø      Alibabic, Sh., Ovesni, K. (2006), Commitment - A Base of Professionalism in Adult Education, International Conference “Education and Values in the Balkan Countries”, 29 June - 2 July, Bucharest, Romania.

Ø      Alibabic, Sh., Ovesni, K. (2007), Andragogues - knowledge managers, International Conference “Adult Education for the Knowledge Economy”, 03-04. June, 2007, Hrvatsko andragosko drustvo, Sibenik, Croatia.

Ø      Alibabic, Sh., Ovesni, K. (2005), In-Service Training of Managers in Education, International Conference “Lifelong Learning in the Balkans, A Historical Context and Current Trends”, Belgrade, June 30th - July 3rd, Belgrade: Balkan Society for Pedagogy and Education, Institute for Pedagogy and Andragogy, Faculty of Philosophy, Belgrade and Pedagogical Society of Serbia.

Ø      Alibabic, Sh., Ovesni, K. (2005), Andragogic Stimulation of Teacher Professionalization, International Conference “Lifelong Learning in the Balkans, A Historical Context and Current Trends”, Belgrade, June 30th to July 3rd, Belgrade: Balkan Society for Pedagogy and Education, Institute for Pedagogy and Andragogy, Faculty of Philosophy, Belgrade and Pedagogical Society of Serbia.

Ø      Ovesni, K. (2001), Razvoj kadrova za realizaciju koncepcije medijske pismenosti, International Simposium “Tehnologija i informatika u obrazovanju - izazov 21. veka”, Institut za pedagoska istrazivanja i Centar za razvoj i primenu nauke, tehnologije i informatike, Belgrade, 29-30 May. Model.html

Ø      Ovesni, K. (2000), New Technologies in Adult Education, a paper unofficially presented at Workshop “Problems of curriculum and New technologies in Education”, International Conference “Educational Systems in Balkan Countries: Issues and Trends”, Balkan Society for Pedagogy and Education, Istanbul, Turkey, 21-23 September. NT.html

Ø      Ovesni, K. (1998), On-line Model of Adult Education and its Application in Training of Andragogical Personnel, NETFORUM ‘98, SC & YUCCA, 27-28 May, Belgrade.

Ø      Ovesni, K. (1996), Interrelation of Parents’ and Children’s Attitudes Towards Free Time and Leisure, International Simposium Research in Pedagogy and Andragogy, 16-17 December, IPA, Belgrade.

Book Reviews

Ø      Willem Bax & Paolo Federighi (eds.): The roles and Functions of the System of Adult Education in the General Educationa System Including Vocational Training, Andragogical studies, 1996, Vol 3, No 1, pp. 128-131.

Ø      Walter Leirman, Four Cultures of Education - Expert, Engineer, Prophet, Communicator, Andragogical studies, 1996, Vol 3, No 2, pp. 234-238.

Ø      Radivoje Kulic, Contents of Work and ecucation, 1998, Pedagoska stvarnost.



Ø      Carré, Ph. (2004), Motivacija u obrazovanju odraslih: od zaposljavanja do nacina realizacije, (Motivation in Adult Education: From Engagement to Performance), Andragogical studies, No. 1-2, October, pp. 41-51.

Ø      Caffarella, R.S., Merriam, Sh.B. (2004), Perspektive učenja odraslih: okviri naših istraživanja (Perspectives on Adult Learning: Framing Our Research), Andragogical studies, No. 1-2, October, pp. 31-41.

Ø      CEC (2001), Memorandum o dozivotnom ucenju (A Memorandum on Lifelong Learning), Andragogical studies, Vol. 8, No. 1-2, pp. 55-98.

Ø      Cooper, M.K., Henschke, J.A. (2001), Andragogija: osnove teorije, istraživanja i praktičnog povezivanja (Andragogy: The Foundation for its Theory, Research and Practice Linkage), Andragogical studies, Vol. 8, No. 1-2, pp. 5-14.

Ø     Kulich, J. (2000), Obrazovanje odraslih u Kanadi (Adult Education in Canada), Andragogical studies, Vol. 7 No. 1-2, pp. 61-78.

Ø      Thomas, A.M. (1995). Cudesna obecanja teorije haosa ucenju i obrazovanju odraslih (The Wonderful Promise of Chaos Theory to Adult Learning and Education), Andragogical studies, Vol. 2, No. 2, pp. 59-67.

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