"One can never
consent to creep
when one feels
an impulse
to soar."
Helen Keller

This SPAN Hunterdon 
County Resource Center 
site is a winner 
of the

Statewide Parent Advocacy Network, Inc.
195 North Union Street, Lambertville, NJ 08530
Phone: 609-397-4882
  Fax: 609-397-0634 (must call first before faxing)

The Statewide Parent Advocacy Network, Inc. (SPAN) is a non-profit training and information center for families of children at risk, children with disabilities, special health care or emotional needs, or children who are inappropriately identified as disabled. SPAN assists families of infants, toddlers, children and youth with the full range of disability, discrimination, and any other issues which may put a child at risk. Parents, individuals with disabilities, and professionals are invited to work together with us and participate in all activities. Our overall purpose is to serve as a vehicle for the exchange of ideas, promoting awareness of the abilities and needs of citizens with disabilities and challenges, and improving service in the State of New Jersey.

SPAN's Hunterdon County Resource Center was formed by a group of Resource Parents who volunteer to help families in Hunterdon, Somerset, and Warren Counties. This web site is a virtual office, support center, and library dedicated to families. The premise of all of SPAN's services is that families and their children succeed most when they empower themselves and work together with friends, community members, and concerned professionals. Feel free to browse the many areas of information offered. We will continue to update and add new information as it is available, so you may want to bookmark this site for your future reference!

SPAN Mission Statement

The mission of the Statewide Parent Advocacy Network, Inc. (SPAN) is to empower families, professionals, and other individuals interested in the well-being and educational rights of children. SPAN's special commitment is to those children with the greatest need due to disability, poverty, discrimination based on race, sex, or language, or other special needs. SPAN's goal is to enable all children to become fully participating and contributing members of society. We work towards this goal by providing information, traning, technical assistance, support, and the exchange of ideas.

Welcome to our Resource Center!

Feel free to e-mail us with comments, questions or concerns at span_hrc@geocities.com

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© Copyright 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000,  SPAN Hunterdon County Resource Center.
All rights reserved.

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