Cairo Association of Teachers - Newsletter

CAT Tracks for April 5, 2002


The two teams met from 3:00 p.m. until almost 8:00 p.m. yesterday afternoon/ no avail.

The meeting began on a note that set the tone for the whole session...the Board team's concern for "confidentiality". The CAT team had asked for a breakdown of revenue/expenditure figures presented during the financial session attended by Harry VonHoudnos of the IEA. The Board team had presented lump-sum figures that did not allow the CAT to determine what amounts were applicable to our contract negotiations. The Board team was concerned about giving us social security numbers, specific salary information, etc. The CAT team indicated that we simply needed to know what the District was spending its money on...why $3 million of teacher salaries were "breaking" a district with over an $8 million dollar budget.

In order to "move" negotiations, the CAT team suggested that the Board team white/black out the "confidential" information that they did not want us to see and give us the documentation of revenue and expenditures. They agreed to do that.

Then the "song and dance" REALLY began. As Steve Kohn tried to pin down their financial situation using THEIR "cash flow" concerns instead of the AFR/Budget comparison that we had focused on, they would shift gears and start talking budget figures. Steve summarized our frustration when he remarked that "You're driving me nuts". He was not alone...but then this was probably the plan. This went on for well over an hour...with no resolution.

In hopes of agreeing on something, we turned to health insurance coverage. The Board team had indicated last Saturday that 67 of our 71 bargaining unit members were participants in the District's group health insurance program. As we repeated that number, the Board team said that the number had been incorrect...that it was 68...with another person at a "reduced rate". We innocently asked to see a list of participants so that we could confirm the exact number. Oh, no! We were told that this would violate confidentiality!? We asked "How?" They said that revelation of such a list could possibly cause "healthy" members complained about - got mad about - individuals who had cause to use the insurance. The CAT team assured the Board team that we were not interested in medical records or use of insurance records. We simply wanted a list of teachers...all but two or three according to their assertions...who belonged to the plan. The Board team was not forthcoming, so we had to move on to other concerns.

Members of the Board team indicated that the issues that the CAT team kept raising were basically irrelevant...that the money just was not there...that the state would come in and take us over if we did not get out of debt. (Reminder: In the same Board meeting that the District announced that RIFs had to be made...the Superintendent announced that Cairo School District Number One had been REMOVED FROM THE FINANCIAL WATCH LIST!)

The CAT team then raised the question of the rumor that has been circulating for the past week...that a District principal is going to be moved to the central office to replace the curriculum coordinator, who announced her resignation last month. The Board team confirmed that rumor...AND that it would be a full-time position, whereas it had been a part-time position. The CAT team questioned how the Board could expect us to go back to our membership and tell them that the Board's current offer...much less than we made last year...was all that the District could afford...BUT...oh, by the way...the District is increasing its number of administrators...when the District is already "over-administrated" by state records. The Board team's response...they were proceeding on the premise that they were going to close Bennett Elementary. The CAT team expressed their doubt...on the basis that it is almost a certainty that Early Childhood will be funded and reinstated...leaving no classroom space for closing a building. The Board team did not back off of their assertion.

The Board team then gave us several thick handouts of financial information that we had requested...specific information on revenues and expenditures. Prior to caucusing in order to review the handouts, the CAT team repeated its request for a list of bargaining unit members participating in the District's group health insurance program. To show our good faith, the CAT team also reduced our money proposal by $20,000...from $279,000 to $259,000.

During the caucus, the mediator visited with both teams...trying to resolve the CAT request for the names of the group health insurance participants. He was not successful. We expressed our frustration...that we could not do any further financial calculations and/or movement until we knew how many teachers were involved. The caucus lasted about an hour and a half.

When we resumed, the CAT team presented the Board team with a letter...officially requesting a list of teachers who belonged to the District's group health insurance plan. This information was requested under the provisions of the Illinois Educational Labor Relations information necessary and pertinent to negotiations. The Act requires that the employer provide the information within three work days or face charges of an unfair labor practice. The Board team caucused for a half hour.

When the Board team returned, they stated that they needed clarification..."Why do you need names?" We explained that they had given us two different numbers of participants...that we needed to verify which (if either) number was correct in order to determine the value of their proposal and the cost of our proposal. The list was not forthcoming. Stay tuned.

Since the Board team did not present the information required for further negotiations, we were forced to schedule yet another date for negotiations. Since the mediator had other commitments for next week...and since the CAT team indicated a desire to focus on and complete required state testing next week...the next negotiations date is set for Monday, April 15th, at 5:30 p.m.