CAT Tracks for June 25, 2002
Have received word from IEA UniServ Director Jim Tammen that CAT members will NOT have to pay the premium for group health insurance coverage for the time missed during the 17-day strike. This has been confirmed by Barney Mundorf, Board attorney.
Oops...Inadvertantly left off some contributors to the CAT strike fund. Had included the money, but misplaced the names. Don't want to slight any of our benefactors! The CAT Tracks for June 24th has been corrected...and if you didn't see it the first time...check it out!
Sent a letter last week...proposed a negotiations session for today (June 25th). Did not hear anything as of yesterday. So...faxed a "reminder" on Monday. About 15 minutes later, received a "Barney Fax" from the Central Office (dated June 21st) that the Board would be unavailable until July 10th...and had the nerve to take us to task for not proposing something earlier!? Da noive...
The CAT will send its proposal to Barney et al today for their consideration along with a request for a counter PRIOR to a negotiations session in July. Maybe then we can have a session longer than 9 or 12 minutes...