CAT Tracks for March 10, 2005
BULLETIN: Due to popular demand...
Received notice from Tanya Collins that interest in technology training by Cairo teachers exceeded the original space availability.
BUT...Not a problem! In fact, it was GOOD NEWS indeed...clearly demonstrating the willingness of Cairo staff to improve their professional skills.
To meet this demand, additional sessions have been scheduled...on the Thursday of each week of the originally scheduled dates. For example, the training offered on April 5th will be repeated on April 7th for the second group.
Also...there is a slight time change. The workshops will be conducted from 4:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m.
If there are any questions/concerns/conflicts, please feel free to contact Tanya Collins through the Central Office.
What follows is the original CAT Tracks of March 10th...
Tanya Collins, Instructional Specialist, wanted to make sure that Cairo teachers were aware of this local training opportunity.
REMEMBER: The certificate renewal process did NOT go away...you still need to accumulate 120 CPDUs within your 5-year period!
Details of the workshops follow...
NOTE: If you need a hard copy of the sign-up form below, contact your building office...they should have them...or can get them.
Technology Workshop Survey
March 1, 2005
The Adventure of the American Mind (AAM) program in the College of Education and Human Services, SIUC has offered to deliver a workshop series for southern Illinois teachers. The SIUC AAM program is funded through the Library of Congress. The workshop program will focus on the integration of technology into the curriculum.
The workshop series will consist of five workshops (approximately 2.5 hours each), based on the expressed needs of participating teachers. The content of additional workshops will be based on your recommendations. Listed on the back are proposed workshops. We are asking that you select the workshops that you feel would be of greatest benefit to you (a preference scale is provided).
The dates are April 5, April 19, May 10, June 14, and June 28 from 3:30 to 6:00 at the Cairo Community Education Center.
You will be paid a stipend of $250.00 for a five session commitment in addition to additional resources for this workshop.
Your name: ____________________________________________________________
The two workshops listed below are mandatory.
Introduction to the Library of Congress and American Memory website (required) Learn the basics of how to access and use the materials from the Library of Congress American Memory web site. Learn about digital primary resources, what they are and where to locate them online. Learn about the extensive Teacher Resources at the American Memory web site.
Acquiring and Manipulating Images from American Memory (required) Participants will learn to search American Memory collections, locate items, save items, and use the items in the classroom.
Please return this form to Tanya Collins, by end of school on March 15, 2005
Thank you!
Three of the workshops will be based on your requests. For the workshops listed below, please indicate your interests:
1) Highly interested (use each number as many times as necessary) 2) Somewhat interested 3) Not interested
_____Finding Digital Images Participants will learn how to find and download images that are legal for them to use in an educational setting. You will also learn about different file formats, and their suitability for use in other programs such as PowerPoint and FrontPage. In addition, there will be discussion on copyright and how copyright law relates to "fair use" for education.
_____Creating and Using Digital Images Participants will learn the basics of scanning images and transferring images from a digital camera to your computer. We will also cover manipulation of digital images in Adobe Photoshop Elements and Irfanview, so that the images will be suitable for printing, archiving, or the web. In addition, there will be discussion about using primary sources in the classroom.
_____Basic PowerPoint and Digital Projectors Learn how to create a PowerPoint presentations and then how to project it using most common digital projectors. This session will cover inserting images and text into PowerPoint presentations and manipulating color schemes. You will also be taught how to identify the input and output plugs on a digital projector and how to determine which one to use to show your presentation from your computer to a screen or on a television.
_____Advanced PowerPoint Use slide transitions and custom animations to punch up your presentation. Insert sounds and video to create a multimedia show. Learn what kinds of video cannot be shown in a PowerPoint presentation, and how to get around that seemingly insurmountable problem. Also, learn how to transport your PowerPoint presentation to another location and use an unfamiliar computer to show your presentation.
_____Internet Security Learn how to protect yourself and your computers from viruses, trojans, worms and zombies. Learn about who the black hat hackers are and why they want to hack into your computer. Protect yourself from spam, pop-ups, ad-ware and phishing schemes.
_____Video and Sound Participants will learn the basics of finding and utilizing digital video and sound for use in presentation software such as PowerPoint and FrontPage.
_____FrontPage (2 sessions) Participants will learn to create basic web pages, and how to incorporate digital elements in these pages.