Cairo Association of Teachers - Newsletter

CAT Tracks for July 19, 2004

The rescheduled regular monthly meeting of the Cairo Board of Education was held on July 19, 2004. Below is an annotated agenda of that meeting...

MONDAY, JULY 19, 2004

6:00 P.M.


I. Call To Order

II. Roll Call - Griggs, Jones, Mallory, Huff, and Gooden were in attendance.

III. Approval of Previous Minutes - A motion was made, seconded, and approved.

1. Public Hearing Minutes of June 17, 2004
2. Regular Minutes of June 17, 2004
3. Closed Minutes of June 17, 2004
4. Special Minutes of June 29, 2004
5. Closed Minutes of June 29, 2004

IV. Approval of Agenda - Regular Meeting - Superintendent Sam Harbin indicated that the District had been unable to get any information on grants and funding. Therefore, he suggested amending the agenda to remove the "Recall List - FY 05". Dr. Harbin indicated that the same applied to a presentation that was to have been made by Joyce Champion on school status and grant information. A motion to amend the agenda was made, seconded, and approved. A motion to approve the amended agenda was made, seconded, and approved.

V. Approval of Agenda - Closed Meeting - A motion was made, seconded, and approved.

VI. Approval of Treasurer's Report - A motion was made, seconded, and approved.

VII. Approval of Payment of Bills/Payroll - A motion was made, seconded, and approved.

VIII. Superintendent's Recommendations

1. Employment/Recall (Dr. Harbin began making the following recommendations, but members of the BOE indicated that they wanted to table action on employment until after closed session.)

*Teresa Hammond - English/ CJSHS
*Flossie Leggett - Librarian for Egyptian School District – Hired 1/2 Time/CJSHS - Hours: 7:45 a.m. to 12 Noon
*Leslie Rodgers - Secretary – 1/2 Title I - 1/2 TAOEP Program
*Agnes Wehrenberg - Registered Nurse - Will serve two days at Emerson, two days at Bennett, and one day at CJSHS.
*Recalls - As indicated above...the list was withdrawn from consideration due to a lack of information on funding.

2. Records Review/Storage - Dr. Harbin indicated that there were a lot of records being stored at the District back to the 1980s. He requested the permission of the BOE to review the records for the purpose of purging/updating. Permission was granted.

3. Board Policies- Student Activity/Convenience Funds/Revolving/Imprest Funds - Superintendent Harbin informed the BOE that the auditors were in the District and would be for a couple of weeks. He indicated that in light of problems nationwide - e.g. Enron - the auditors were going beyond what is normally done. The auditors had indicated that the District needed to improve its procedures for fund pinpoint responsibilities. Therefore, Dr. Harbin asked that the BOE approve the policy that had previously been placed on reading for said purpose. During the discussion, the question was raised as to whether the building principals had reviewed the policy. They indicated that they had not. Therefore, the measure was tabled until such review.

4. Dr. Harbin indicated that the BOE needed to update the intergovernmental agreement with the Egyptian School District whereby Cairo claims certain students for ADA purposes, they attend Egyptian Schools, and Cairo transfers the ADA funds to Egyptian. (This was done "back in the day" as a compromise so that the families involved would not "secede" from CSD #1, drastically reducing its territory and tax base.)

5. The Superintendent informed the BOE that the District had negotiated a new agreement with Laidlaw for transportation at an amount of $204,000 - an increase of 3 and 1/2 percent.

6. Dr. Harbin informed the BOE that the District was required by ISBE to have a "Children's Mental Health Plan" in place by August 31st. He indicated that the District had taken language from the ISBE model and that it needed to be placed "on reading" at this meeting so that it could be approved at the August meeting.

7. The Superintendent then indicated that there were some items for which he needed direction:

a. He indicated that he had received an estimate for repairing the floor in the CJSHS cafeteria - $9240. He indicated that the original plan had been to wait until next summer, but that the District had already received two safety citations. Therefore, he was recommending that the BOE authorize spending the $9240 required to make the floor safe. The work will involve removing the present tile, preparing the floor for painting, and the actual painting.

b. Dr. Harbin also indicated that the old District truck and van, as well as old drafting tables, were eyesores and needed to either be repaired or added to the list of surplus property for disposal. The consensus was for disposal.

c. The Superintendent then indicated that during the coming year money would become available through the state for construction. He requested BOE approval to explore the possibility of construction grants and apply for same. The BOE was receptive to his request.

"8". Renew Contract For Lorenzo Nelson as Asbestos Manager for the District- Stipend - $1650.00. (I may have missed this...but I don't think they acted on this agenda item.)

IX. Informational

1. School Improvement Status Report for 2003-04 - As indicated earlier...this item was withdrawn in the amended agenda.

2. Checks Deposited - District Account

*172,406.44 - State Aid - June - 2nd Payment
*105,303.00 - Title I Low Income
*3,505.00 - Safe & Drug Free Schools
*1,705.42 - TAMES
*31,444.36 - TAMES

3. Buildings/Grounds

*Surplus Property Disposal Report - Dr. Harbin presented the BOE with a letter that summarized the process.
* Construction Project - CJSHS - The Superintendent indicated that the District did not receive any bids for the project. He stated that the work was being done by the Wissinger Construction Company.
* Maintenance/Repair Progress Report - Dr. Harbin indicated that some refurbishing of restrooms was in progress at CJSHS. He also stated that the freezer at Bennett Elementary was being fixed.

4. Personnel

* Employee Marsha Cook/Tootie Newton - Temporary Secretarial Duties Central Office/CJSHS - Dr. Harbin indicated that both Ms. Cook and Ms. Newton had applied for the advertised work and had agreed to split it evenly between them.
* Nurse Recruitment Report - This was not discussed...
* Resignation of Edward L. Huff (Sheriff Mitchell) - Dr. Harbin confirmed that Mr. Huff had resigned to take a position in Chicago and that Sheriff Mitchell had indicated that he would readvertise the position.
* Superintendent - Absent From District - July 29-30, 2004 - Dr. Harbin indicated that he would indeed be absent for these two day, but that he would insure that everything was covered during said absence.

5. Grant Information - As mentioned above...this item was removed from consideration in the amended agenda.

* Title One

6. Principals' Reports - Principals Pickett and Williams were in attendance and gave brief reports, primarily on the status of summer repairs.

7. Confidential Policy (Legal Settlements) - Superintendent Harbin reminded the members of the BOE of a memo dated July 7, 2004, concerning confidentiality and the need to adhere to its terms.

8. Scheduled Meetings

* Distance Learning - Dr. Harbin indicated that he and Mrs. Williams would attend a meeting on Wednesday of this week concerning the implementation of distance learning at CJSHS...for the purpose of expanding student electives.
* Virtual High School - Dr. Harbin also indicated that he had attended a meeting concerning the "Virtual High School" and had learned what he needed to know.

9. ISBE Proposal To Cairo Board of Education

* Summary of Proposal On Governance Workshop - Superintendent Harbin informed the BOE that ISBE was willing to conduct a "Governance Workshop" for BOE members which would consist of one Saturday session and then one 3-hour meeting each month. He emphasized that ISBE was willing to do it, but wanted a commitment from a majority of BOE members in return.

10. Vacation Schedules

* Central Office - Administrative Staff - The Superintendent presented the BOE with a listing of vacation schedules for Central Office personnel.

11. Communication From CAT- CAESP - Labor's Local 773 - None

12. Thank You Card - Family of Mr. James Larry

X. Closed Meeting - Voted to enter closed session at 6:52 p.m. Voted to exit closed session at 7:52 p.m.

Superintendent Harbin made the following recommendations which were approved by the BOE:

1. Employ Teresa Hammond - English/CJSHS
2. Employ Flossie Leggett - Librarian - 1/2 Time/CJSHS
3. Employ Leslie Rodgers - Secretary - 1/2 Title I - 1/2 TAOEP Program
4. Employ Agnes Wehrenberg - Registered Nurse
5. Adopt Board Policy - Student Activity/Convenience Funds/Revolving/Imprest Funds
6. Adopt the Intergovernmental Agreement with Egyptian School District for 2004-05
7. Approve the agreement with Laidlaw for 2004-05
8. Approve the coaching recommendations presented by Mrs. Williams:
a. Robert Newell - Head Football Coach
b. Bobby Mayberry - Athletic Director
c. Regina Brown - Head Girls BB - CJHS
c. Tommy Ellis - Head Boys BB - CJHS

XI. Old Business/New Business - None

XII. Adjourn - 8:02 p.m.