Cairo Association of Teachers - Newsletter

CAT Tracks for August 19, 2004
Back-To-School Specials . . .

First of all, let me say "Welcome Back!" I hope that your summer was enjoyable and that you enter the school year with renewed energy!

Association officers for the 2004-05 School Year are THE SAME AS THEY HAVE BEEN FOR THE PAST 15 YEARS! They are: Karla Patton (CAT Secretary--Emerson), Ledora Beard (CAT Treasurer--Bennett), Deborah Hammel (CAT Vice President--CJSHS), and Ron Newell (CAT President--CJSHS). Do I hear any volunteers???

Horizontal Movement on the Salary Schedule

If you have earned additional college credit since last school year that would allow you to move horizontally on the salary schedule (B.S.+16, M.S., or M.S.+16), you must verify this to the District payroll department by "official transcript, with seal affixed." There is no deadline for this action, but you will not receive your increase until it is done.

Vertical Movement on the Salary Schedule

Speaking of movement on the salary schedule...your raise for the 2004-05 School Year is your Step + 3%.

Petty Cash

All of you buy "consumable materials" for your classroom. REMINDER: Section 2.23 of the Contract provides for reimbursement--up to $100. Since a new school year has begun, you again have that opportunity. If you purchased things this summer--and still have the receipt--you can be reimbursed. You may make new purchases during this year. Remember: The District asks that you submit receipts for reimbursement ONE TIME ONLY each year. So wait until you have $100 worth--or until you know that you will buy no more. A completed purchase order (made payable to you!) must accompany your receipts. If you have questions, ask your office personnel.

Sick/Personal Days

Section 3.7 of the Contractual Agreement states that each member of the bargaining unit is to be provided with a statement on the first day of each school year that indicates the total number of sick leave days available to (be taken by) the teacher for that particular school year. Be sure to check your records and verify that the numbers are correct. REMINDER : Each teacher gets 12 sick days each year plus two personal days. You may also "buy" an additional personal day at the substitute teacher pay rate. ( IF a substitute teacher is NOT used - e.g. an institute day - then the extra day is without charge.)

Also: "Personal days" are just that--PERSONAL. You do NOT have to give a reason for a personal day . Just fill out the form and turn it in to your principal or his/her designee with as much notice as possible. (On occasion, the paperwork has even been done AFTER THE FACT when it was an emergency that arose unexpectedly.) ALSO: THERE ARE NO RESTRICTIONS AS TO WHEN YOU CAN TAKE PERSONAL LEAVE!!!

Finally, on this topic, you may give another employee of the District (certified or noncertified) one or more of your sick days if they run out and you feel so inclined. Simply notify the central office in writing.

Class Size

Reminder : Section 3.10 states that "When the enrollment of any self-contained elementary classroom or any academic secondary classroom exceeds thirty (30) students, the teacher shall notify his/her immediate supervisor in writing." BE SURE TO DO THIS! Also notify your building representative! By "enrollment", it means that the 31st student has actually walked through your door for which you are accountable! All 31 students do NOT have to be present on any given day. Special Education teachers should do the same thing if their enrollment exceeds the limits mandated by state and/or federal law.

Dispensing of Medicine

In a word: "DON'T!" Do NOT store medicine in your room and do NOT administer medication--including aspirin--under any circumstances. Medication is to be administered ONLY by a school nurse or an administrator.

Internal Substitution

Taking someone else's class during your preparation period is VOLUNTARY . If you choose to do so, you are to be compensated at the rate of $20 per period--or any fraction thereof. If you supervise another teacher's students in addition to your own, then you are to be compensated at the aforementioned internal substitution rate--$20 for each additional teacher's students.
IEA Credit Union

Any employee who wishes to join the IEA Credit Union should obtain the proper forms, complete them, and send them to the District payroll department during the first month of a semester. Forms are available from Ron Newell.

Cell Phones

A new item at the request of Dr. Sam Harbin. Apparently there has been some "discussion" about the abuse of cell phones during class time. Dr. Harbin does NOT want to "drop the hammer" on cell phone use by employees. He realizes that some employees...such as myself...carry a cell phone for emergency a caregiver. However, Dr. Harbin is also concerned about reports of employee cell phone use for "questionable" purposes. So...PLEASE...limit cell phone use during class time to "personal emergencies" only...or for school business. If we ignore this "suggestion", "rules and regulations" will surely follow...with negative consequences. Cooperation requested...PLEASE!

A Final Word . . .

I have tried to cover a variety of items pertaining to the beginning of school. Many of these were of a contractual nature. Obviously, I cannot cover the entire contract in a newsletter. BUT --Each of you received a copy of our contract. This contract governs many important facets of your daily work-life until August 14, 2005! PLEASE -- READ your Contract and familiarize yourself with it. Many complaints that I have received from bargaining unit members in the past should NOT have been happening. The actions were in direct violation of the contract! BUT--THE MEMBER DID NOT KNOW !!! The Association can only enforce the contract for ALL employees if EACH employee knows the contract and insists upon its enforcement. YOU DO NOT HAVE TO "FIGHT" THE ADMINISTRATION ABOUT THE VIOLATION--SOMETIMES THEY DID NOT KNOW EITHER . If you are comfortable with bringing the matter to the attention of your immediate supervisor, ask him/her about it. If you are not, PLEASE notify your building representative. A lot of long hours and hard work went into negotiating our current contract. Do not give away these hard-fought gains.


The CAT will continue to be environmentally friendly...a "tree hugger" if you will! After this "reminder" edition, CAT Tracks will be published electronically at...

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