Cairo Association of Teachers - Newsletter

CAT Tracks for August 30, 2004

CORRECTED VERSION - The original edition of this CAT Tracks contained "misinformation" reported in the September 12th "Teacher Certification" issue. That information has been removed to avoid further confusion.

As previously announced, the certification process - for BOTH renewing the standard certificate AND moving from initial to standard - has been changed. CHANGED - NOT ELIMINATED! All personnel seeking the standard certificate and/or renewal of same must STILL "jump through hoops" - choosing from a variety of professional development activities within a designated period of time to meet ISBE requirements. For instance...teachers who already possess the standard teaching certificate must do the equivalent of 120 CPDUs within a 5-year period - or lose that certificate and the ability to teach in Illinois. This is still serious business!

However, the process has been streamlined and the responsibility has been placed solely on the individual. Certified personnel no longer have to file "a plan" for certificate renewal. When you participate in professional development activities, you no longer have to write "a reflective statement" no longer turn in "a claim for credit" to your Local Professional Development Committee (LPDC). In fact, Districts no longer have to form a LPDC...AND...Districts that have done so, have the option of abolishing same.


The Regional Office of Education has been notified of this fact. NOT send any more certification/recertification material to the District Central Office.

"Then...just what do I do?" Keep performing professional development activities...keep documentation of the activity (even if it means simply writing it down and keeping it in your "recertification folder") - activity, date, and time are IMPORTANT. You may be called upon to PROVE that you have done the equivalent of 120 CPDUs...or LOSE YOUR CERTIFICATE! Regular Ed teachers must still do 20% of their CPDUs in Special Education. Special Education teachers must still do 50% of their CPDUs in Special Education. (Check for further details on the ISBE website!)

(Another option to consider..."check out"/use the ISBE's CeRTS online certificate renewal tracking system. This system seemed redundant - even counterproductive - when the LPDC was in operation. However, now that the LPDC has been abolished, the CeRTS system might prove to be a viable alternative to keeping a "paper trail".)

"What is going to happen when it is time to obtain/renew my certificate?" You are going to make a trip to the Regional Office of Education...just like in the "good ol' days". You are going to submit a form (not yet available) - Assurance of Completion of Professional Development for Renewal of Standard/Master Certificates. You are going to sign your name - "swearing" that you actually did the professional development activities that you claimed on the form. You are going to submit Form 73-10 - Certificate Registration Form. You are going to pay the appropriate registration fee. That's it!

Oh...uh...there is (possibly) one more thing. The ROE has the option of having you "PROVE" that you did, indeed, engage in the professional development activities that you claimed on your "Assurance Form". KEEP DOCUMENTATION! If you are asked for "proof" and you are unable provide same, you will be deemed NOT to have completed the requirements for certification and you lose said certificate...and can no longer teach in Illinois!


"What about the recertification materials that I have already turned into the Central Office...the LPDC?" kept copies...right? Don't panic...not to worry! In the near future, the (former) LPDC members will get the folders that we were keeping on file at the Central Office and give them to you. The total responsibility for performing professional development activities - and keeping track of same - will then rest completely with you!

If you would like more details on the revised certification process, visit the ISBE website by clicking on the appropriate link below:

Moving from Initial to Standard Certificates (Adobe Acrobat Format)

Renewing Standard/Master Teaching Certificates (Adobe Acrobat Format)

If you have any further questions, feel free to contact De De O'Shea, Suzan Partridge, Deborah Hammel, or Ron Newell.