CAT Tracks for August 4, 2004
Intended to save this news as a surprise - allow her to "make an entrance" at the District-wide institute on August 16th. However, it is becoming very apparent that the "cat is out of the bag!" So, without further ado...it gives me great personal pleasure to announce the return of Julie Newell to Cairo School District Number One! After spending two and one-half years in forced exile, she is back where she started...at the District Central Office.
The past 30 months have been a struggle...most of you know the health problems Julie endured - compounded by the uncertainty of her job status. However, both of us were sustained by the strong support of family, friends, and colleagues.
A special thank you goes to the Illinois Education Association, which provided unequivocal support. THAT, folks, is why we pay union dues! We can go about our educational duties with the knowledge that if trouble arises, WE ARE NOT ALONE!
So...if you will allow me a point of personal privilege...make that pride...