CAT Tracks for September 16, 2004
One hour and forty-one minutes...by far the shortest regular meeting of the Cairo Board of Education during the past 35-years!
Below is an annotated agenda...
6:00 P.M.
I. Call To Order - 6 p.m.
II. Roll Call - Griggs, Jones, Posey, Mallory, Huff, and Gooden were present.
III. Recognition of Guests/Comments From Employees and Public - None
IV. Approval of Previous Minutes - Motion made, seconded, and approved.
1. Regular Minutes of August 24, 2004
V. Approval of Agenda - Motion made, seconded, and approved.
1. Regular Meeting
VI. Approval of Treasurer's Report - Motion made, seconded, and approved.
VII. Approval of Payment of Bills/Payroll - Motion made, seconded, and approved.
VIII. Informational
*Building-Grounds Update - "Progressing" was the term used by Superintendent Harbin in reference to what he termed "5 years of neglect". Dr. Harbin indicated that he meant no disrespect, but that there was a back-log of items that were not fixed when they were first broken and that it was going to take some time to "catch up". One priority was the football field and restrooms at that location. He indicated that Pat Webster had been employed to repair the restroom fixtures, but that more work remained to be done, including just some basic cleaning. Dr. Harbin indicated that one problem was that the District was simply short-handed in trying to deal with the long list of repairs. Dr. Harbin also informed the BOE that it was facing some major expenses in the next 1, 2, or 3 years and that he wanted them to be aware of them and prepared to deal with them. Of immediate concern is the boiler at Bennett Elementary which is leaking badly. He indicated that the BOE had two choices: (1) buy a new boiler for $41,000 or (2) repair the old boiler for $21,000 - a repair that would last for approximately 10 years. Dr. Harbin indicated that he would be coming to them within the next 6 to 8 months for a decision.
Dr. Harbin also informed the BOE that the track at CHS needed to be "outlined" - that it was impossible to even tell that there was a track.
Dr. Harbin also noted the condition of the tennis courts at CHS - that they resembled a "garden" with all the weeds that were growing. He indicated that it needed to be resurfaced in order to make it a useable facility. There was some discussion from BOE members as to the advisability of spending money on that since there were better facilities at St. Mary's Park which were also not being used. Dr. Harbin indicated that he felt that the tennis courts needed to be resurfaced or removed. There were mixed feelings among the BOE members on what to do and no decision was made.
(During the discussion on "facilities" that had fallen into disuse and disrepair, it was also mentioned that when the Consortium got off the ground at the old junior high building, it was hoped that many offerings would be made available or revived - e.g. little league activities. Also mentioned was the "disappearance" of art and music from the elementary curriculum.)
*Scheduled Meetings - Dr. Harbin reminded the BOE that he would be out of the District to attend a Superintendents' Conference in Springfield - September 21-22, 2004, as well as "Area Meetings"
* Fire Drills - Superintendent Harbin reported that Emerson and Bennett had already held fire drills and had posted times of 1 minute 8 seconds and 1 minute 2 seconds respectively. A fire drill for CJSHS and tornado drills for all schools are in the works.
*Communication From CAT, CAESP, Labor's Local 773 - None
*Checks Deposited - District Account - Dr. Harbin reported that two checks had been received by the District in addition to those listed below. A check for $265,300 was received from ISBE for grants, along with the first State Aid of approximately $181,000.
$18,661.75 - E-Rate Payment
*Junior High School - Dr. Harbin gave a report on the progress being made towards implementing the ROE Consortium that will be housed in the old junior high school building. He also presented a proposal for the District to join the Consortium, to include moving the Central Office facility to the building. All present felt that the move was a "good deal". (See "MEMORANDUM" at the end of this report.)
IX. Requiring Action/Decisions By Board of Education
1. Employment - Transfer - Assignment Recommendations - This topic was deferred until after closed session.
*Recommendation for Employment - Elbert Staples II -
Special Education Teacher - Emerson School
2 Request approval to be absent from district, Friday, October 1 - Medical - Motion made, seconded, and approved.
(NOTE: Items #3, 4, and 5 below were handled in one action - a vote to declare the proposed new BOE policies on 2nd reading. Motion made, seconded, and approved.)
3. New Board of Education Policies - Required by The Illinois State Board of
Education - 2nd Reading
4. Accountability
5. Instruction
6. Approval/Update of Hazardous Conditions - This was simply an annual review of and assertion that hazardous conditions still exist so that CSD #1 can get State reimbursement for busing students who live less that a mile-and-a-half from school.
7. Mt. Moriah Church Request - The Reverend Russell requested that the Mt. Moriah Church be allowed to use the old Cairo Junior High School Gym for church services for the next 6 months - 3 days a week. Superintendent Harbin and the BOE expressed a willingness to help, but noted that the gym was already committed to the District's basketball program. Therefore, they declined. However, Dr. Harbin is supposed to contact Reverend Russell and inform him of an alternative site, and if that is unsatisfactory, to assist the Reverend in locating alternative facilities.
8. Christopher Cleaves - Request to Approve Re-Enrollment - This item was skipped until after closed session.
9. Request for Approval to Review/Reform Evaluation Instruments - Dr. Harbin informed the BOE that he had been in contact with all District employee unions as to the possibility of "reforming, reviewing, and/or creating" evaluation instruments in a "collaborative" manner. He indicated that he had received positive responses from the various unions. The BOE authorized Dr. Harbin to proceed.
Prior to going into closed session, Dr. Harbin asked the BOE for permission to survey the items still housed at the old junior high building for the purpose of declaring items as "surplus property". Said property would then be identified for disposal or advertised for sale. The consensus of the BOE was for Dr. Harbin to proceed.
X. Closed Session - The BOE voted to enter closed session at 6:51 p.m. The BOE voted to exit closed session at 7:30 p.m.
Upon exiting closed session, President Griggs invited parents in attendance to come forward and express their concerns. Apparently, a lack of lockers for junior high students is resulting in students having to carry heavy books back and forth every day. Also, the lack of a secure place for storage has resulted in some "lost" books and clothing items. Dr. Harbin acknowledged the problem, indicated that he had been looking into a solution for the problem, but that the issue had not be resolved at this time. Dr. Harbin indicated that there simply wasn't room in the junior high area for lockers to be installed, even if the District could afford them. Dr. Harbin further indicated that he was still looking for a solution and was going to discuss the matter with the principal when she returned (from having surgery). Dr. Harbin and the BOE indicated that they were "open to suggestions" from parents or anyone else.
Consider Information Regarding Appointment, Employment, Performance
or Dismissal of Individual Employees
Personnel and Legal Matters
Superintendent Harbin made the following recommendations from closed session:
* Employ Elbert Staples II - Special Education Teacher - Emerson School
XI. Old Business/New Business - None.
XII. The BOE voted to adjourn at 7:41 p.m.
2. Closed Minutes of August 24,2004
2. Closed Meeting
$1,347.99 - E-Rate Payment
$1,231.35 - TRS Refund
$50.00 - Rent - Laidlaw
* Recommendation for Employment- Robbin Pyles - Teacher Aide - Emerson
* Recommendation for Employment of Teachers For SIDEZ/TAOEP After School Tutoring Program:
Marsha Kern - Director
Dorice O'Shea
Tena Harrell
Mary Herndon
Gloria Wiggins
Angela Coleman
Linda Swoboda
Serina Nelson
Willie Mae Watkins
*0perational Services
*Investment of funds not required for current operation
*Responsibility of Superintendent to make all claims for tax income,
State aid and federal funds
*Personnel Management
*Fair Labor Standards Act
*Compensatory Time Off/Overtime
*Education Support Staff- Duties and Responsibilities
*Instructional Resources
*School Improvement Requirements
*School Choice Guidelines
* Employ Robbin Pyles - Teacher Aide - Emerson
* Employ teachers for SIDEZ/TAOEP After School Tutoring Program:
Marsha Kern - Director
Dorice O'Shea
Tena Harrell
Mary Herndon
Gloria Wiggins
Angela Coleman
Linda Swoboda
Serina Nelson
Willie Mae Watkins
* Re-enroll Christopher Cleaves as per agreement.