Cairo Association of Teachers - Newsletter
CAT Tracks for April 6, 2009
Many people have been asking...
Is the Cairo Association of Teachers going to endorse any candidates for the April 7th Board of Education election?
There is an easy answer..."No."
Why, you might ask?
That's pretty easy to answer also...
- To make endorsements, an organization representing approximately 60 certified employees (aka teachers) would have to have an established procedure for doing so...a political action committee that would interview candidates and make recommendations to the group. No such procedure exists. (Actually, about 30 years or so ago, CAT did do that, but no more.)
- Making public recommendations is a lose-lose situation for CAT...
- CAT has been "burned" consistently in the past...candidates promising a "new era"...promising support upon election, only to "turn" after the election. And the funny thing (definitely not a "ha ha" moment) is that in most of those cases it was nothing the individual teachers or the union did. The new BOE members simply did a Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde number on us. Oh, there has been an exception or two, but it's definitely been the "exception that proves the rule".
- If CAT endorses a candidate or candidates and the candidate(s) loses, guess how much of a "warm, touchy feeling" is generated amongst the nonendorsed winners...again, not that it seems to make any difference. Win, lose, or draw...once their butts hit the BOE seats, they turn!
I could go on, but that's it in a nutshell!
So, when election morning arises (if you have not already exercised your right to vote early or by absentee), you are on your own.
CAT does not have "a dog in the hunt."
Sorry 'bout that! Loyal readers of CAT Tracks are well aware of my "sense of humor". It is what it is...