Welcome to Elysia's Shadows

A little over a year ago, I created my first web page, under the name of Beokitten.
I called it Beo's Briars and Bards.
It's still there, at my other site.

Since that time, I have come to the realization that not all goodness comes from light,
and not all evil comes from the darkness.
We are far more shadow-creatures than most of us care to admit.

The fears that grow out of an overabundance of either light, or of darkness, can stifle our awareness and hinder our growth
in ways we cannot yet imagine.
I've had a multitude of crises of faith in the past - but have managed,
through knowledge, courage, and the grace of the creator,
to come out of it all with more strength
and a more truthful adherence to the person I truly am,
than I ever thought possible.


Today, and hopefully for the rest of my life, I am striving for a balance between
the darkness of the light, and the light amid the darkness.

This page - its links, its poetry, its stories - will be my shadows page.
Join me on a journey into the shadows…
You may find out more about yourself than you ever wanted to know.