This is my Lobby. From here you can go to my many sites.
It's time for a major overhaul. Most of this outdated site will be torn down soon, though I may still keep the About Me section up.
Dedicated strictly to my artistic expressions.
All about my 10 week trip to Ecuador
and The Galapagos Islands
Edge Hill University College - Olmskirk, England(No, it's not a typo, that's actually what it's called)
Depending on when you visit this site, I could already be back from my semester at Edge Hill, I could currently be there, or I could not have even left yet! But I plan to keep a running log of my activities
posted on this site while I'm away, as well as pictures and stuff like that.
Dungeons and Dragons: Harmless game or Satanic Vice?
The following sites are coming soon!
Dick Goddard is An Alien!
Read all about the extraterrestrial conspiracy to
alter the weather and use weathermen to underplay
it and explain it away.
Ways You Can Contact MeE-mail Address: jrjenkin@bw.eduAOL Instant Messenger: UahBizahICQ #: 6693177 Web-page Visitor - Communicate with Jim by using this ICQ Web-Pager Panel
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