Note to Religious Fanatics...

Please. If you plan on sending me email, or signing my guestbook simply to tell me that I'm following a "false religion", or to tell me that I'm going to "hell", or to "show me the way". Save your breath. I'm not interested in hearing from you.

See this sample letter below, and my response to it...
(bob's text is violet, my responce is in aqua)

Why don't you just concentrate on what you've been doing - helping other's with their IBS questions. Don't try to peddle your pagan religion - which is false and destructive, but of course packaged in nice harmonious "New Age" lingo - to those of us who believe otherwise.
First off, I'm not peddling my faith. Second you have no proof that Wicca is false, all you go by is your belief. None of us will truly know who was right until we've passed over. Only then will we know what was true. Third, Wicca is definitely not destructive! A religion based on protecting the Earth, and all living things? How could you view that as destructive?
I'll try real hard not to try and convince you (I couldn't do that anyway - it's the work of the Holy Spirit) of the truth of Jesus Christ.
If you are not going to try and convince me then don't. Please don't. Don't write to me, don't try to "save me", just don't!!!
Sorry, I guess I might be what you would call "Intolerant".
Yah. I'd say.
The real "Truth", in these days, always seems to be labeled as "Intolerant". Call me crazy
Okay. Your crazy.
but I'm following Christ who simply said, "I am the Way and the Truth and the Life, no man comes unto the Father except through Me".
I thought you said you weren't going to try to convince me. I'm sorry if I seem bored, but I am. I've heard all of this before. In fact, I was a Christian before. I realized I was on the wrong path, and that I couldn't back a religion that promotes violence (I'll explain this later on).
The Bible also states, "There is a Way that seemth right unto a man, but its end Leads to Destruction".
The bible is the only piece of history which uses itself to prove it's truth. No other historical document is taken on it's own validity. The bible says 'this is the way it is', so you just go along with it? Without any further proof? If it's your faith, I think that's wonderful, but don't try to pass it off as factual. The word Amen itself is only a declaration of your belief (it means "I believe"). It's faith, not fact.
Sorry Tobi, but the Path your on will only lead you and others somewhere that you surely would not like to go.
I'm sorry, but I don't believe in hell, so your threats mean very little to me.
Myself and many others on this Board are in hopes of winning that Award only He can give us - Eternal Life. Check it out Tobi - don't throw the life that He gave you away so easily on false religion.
I think that it is wonderful that you are striving towards an eternal life rather than a material life but this is not unique to the Christian religion. Many faiths look towards a non-earthbound life. And again, don't call my religion false. None of us will really know what was false and what was true until we've passed on.
As you already know - I've seen your "Homepage" - remember.

I've received many letters like the above (that one comes from someone who calls himself 'BOB', from an IBS message board I frequent). Please don't send me anything even remotely similar to that, I won't reply, and I'll just start ranting and raving again.

Oh. I almost forgot. I have to explain the violence I referred to earlier...
Most Christians tend to focus on the New Testament, and leave completely out of their teachings the book of Leviticus -- and for good reason. However I do not believe that one can say that the religion they practice is the one true faith if they do not back up all of the teachings of that faith. Teachings like the following examples. (all these examples are taken from one book, Leviticus)

  • 12 --> a woman after giving birth is unclean, and girl children cause further impurity. It goes on to say that a woman must commit a sacrifice to regain her purity, to eliminate her sin (the birth).
  • 15:2-3 --> sperm is unclean.
  • 15:19-30 --> periods are unclean, and anyone who touches a woman when she's having her period is also unclean. a woman must commit sacrifices to become clean again.
  • 19:28 --> tattoos and piercings are bad
  • 20:9 --> those who disobey their parents must be put to death
  • 20:10 --> ditto for adulterers
  • 20:13 --> ditto for homosexual men (note men, not women)
  • 20:27 --> ditto (yet again) for witches, and other pagans
  • 21:5 --> shaving your head or piercings is wrong

Leviticus goes on and on like this. So, if you don't practice all of these things -- including killing your children for disobedience, well, don't tell me that my religion is wrong. Unless you believe and practice all aspects of your faith, then you are not truly following that faith.

Please know that my anger is not directed at all Christians. Most are very civil, and some I call my friends. For every person out there, like BOB, there are at least 100 people who are good and caring and who are eager to expand their worlds by learning about the beliefs of others... BOB, you are one of the few, who cause the persecution of the believers of Jesus. It's time you took responsibility for what you have done to your fellow believers.

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