Senado 1998-99


President : Caņas, Joan glennmore Chica

Ex. J President : Luigi Anghelo Bulao

Int V. President : Niņo Sanchez

Secretary : Nicasio Inocencio

Treasurer : Prolaine Dumalagan

PIO : Jerome Carrillo

Auditor : Rhea Chris mangistrado

Committe on External Activities & Projects :

Cer Virgo Salcedo Jeffrey Alarcon

Committe on Discipline, Rules & Policies Implementations :

Richard Magat Paul Bonavente

Committe on Internal Activities & Projects :

Julie Pervera Ilyn Alarcon





We, the members of the Grandeur Society, wish to establish a society/organization,

aiming to foster self - discipline, develop leadership in Trust and Camaraderie among us members,

in order to fulfill our common goals and aspiration to be more productive citizens of the community,

for the service of man country and God.





God's Grandeur

by Gerard Manley Hopkins, 1844-1889


The world is charged with the grandeur of God.

It will flame out, like shining from shook foil; It gathers to a greatness, like the ooze of oil.

Crushed. Why do men then now not reck his rod? Generations have trod, have trod, have trod;

And all is seared with trade; bleared, smeared with toil;

And wears man's smudge and shares man's smell; the soil Is bare now, nor can foot feel,

being shod. And for all this, nature is never spent;

There lives the dearest freshness deep down things;

And though the last lights off the black West went Oh,

morning, at the brown brink eastwards, springs -- Because the Holy Ghost over the bent World broods

with warm breast and with ah! bright wings. 1918 Nice to have a poem by a theist, for a change, eh?

