Non-members are more than welcome to come and visit!

Last update December 02, 2003



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For future meetings and events


We are a group of people who get together to practice speaking in public. We are non-profit and community-based, with a membership around 25 people. There are over 9100 Toastmasters clubs in the world. To find a current list of these clubs or to learn more about the organization in your area, click here for Toastmasters-related links .

We are one of the evening clubs that meet in Arlington, VA; just south of Washington, DC,less than 4 miles from the White House. The atmosphere of our club is friendly and non-threatening. In addition, it's cheap since we don't meet in a bar or restaurant. We simply gather a few chairs around a lectern in a room and then launch into the usual Toastmasters meeting format of speeches, impromptu topics, and speech evaluations. We aim to let everybody say something in the course of a meeting. However, as a guest, you are always free to decline that honor if you want.

We meet on the every other Tuesday of every month at the Aurora Hills Recreation Center and Public Library, 735 South 18th Street, in Arlington, Virginia (same building as the Fire Station and Visitor Information Center)from 7:15 PM - 8:40 PM. SO COME OUT AND JOIN US!!!

Club Officers 2003-2004

Kristin Hansen - President
Scott Marquiss, VP Education
Joey Skoloda - VP of Membership PHONE (703) 981-9809
Tre` Steger, VP Public Relations
Sharon Varga - Secretary & Treasurer
Jeff Moritz - Sergeant-at-Arms

Louis Falasco 1998-1999
Scott Marquiss 1999-2000
Louise Anderson 2000-2001
Chris Webster 2001-2002
Doug Johnson 2002-2003

Directions and Map to Aurora Hills Recreation Center.

If you want more info, be sure to sign our guestbook or call (703) 981-9809 Sign Guestbook. Otherwise, come and see us soon!

Be sure to check out Toastmasters-related links

As well asArlington/Crystal City Community links

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This Toastmasters Ring site is owned by Joyce M. Holland.

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Want to join the ring? Go to The Toastmasters Ring Homepage.

The Toastmasters Ring originated July 14, 1997,
by Joyce M. Holland

Please feel free to add your club to the
Toastmasters Ring.

Resources Directory

ToastmastersClub Discussion List

This Web site is own by Kristin Hansen


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Club 9368, Area 14, Division A, District 27, Region VII

Please send comments to MIKE MCGEE,
CCET Webmaster.