Note: My new web page can be found at most of the time

You have found your way into the homepage of Matthew Fedder, truly a hodgepodge of many musings. "Matthew" is a bio page, "Music" deals with various musical topics including music composed by a friend, Macintosh gives resorces for deciding which platform to go with, "Other Arts" contains links to all sorts of unusual and interesting things, "The Next Project: Collections" will eventually contain my usual and unusual collections, and "Photos I Know and Love" is a collection of photography collections from my sister and myself. And lastly, my Masterpiece, The Benchmarks of La Mesa makes available the La Mesa Benchmark inventory, as well as the USGS topographic map for the area and links to free online GIS data.
Matthew Music Macintosh
Arts and Culture The Next Project: Collections Photos I Know and Love
Now Available: The Benchmarks of La Mesa!!!

  Neat Picture, Eh? Some cliffs overlooking Edinburgh, Scotland.
  I've been there!