Ok, this is being kept as a little scrapbook of my stuff. Figlets, signature material, that kind of thing. I have now put my art into categories, as it will no longer fit onto just this page. Here they are.

Fantasy ASCII stuff
Seasonal or Holiday items

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Sig ideas.....

                                /```````/_____      _________
                               /______       /______\ __,--^`
                               `     /____         ___\

 ______  ____   _   _   ____    /```````/_____      _________ 
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  / /_  |  _|  | |_| | |___ \  `     /____         ___\
/_____) |____| \_____/ \____/            /_..-----`

Request : name of trojan.

     _____   /_ .|
>==.'_____'"K__\_|  One Sig-sized trojan horse            
  |_ _____  __|    
 /  \______/  \     
 \__/      \__/ 

     _____   /  .|
>==.'|  | 'TK  \_|  Two Sig-sized trojan horsi            
  /  |  |  | \/     
  |_ |  |  |__|    
 /  \|__|__/  \     
 \__/      \__/ 

Request : ss minnow
                                      You keeping us on course,                    
                                      Little buddy?           \                      
      Yes, Skipper\                       __________________________
                   H                      |   ____     _____
     ___           O                      |  |____|   |_____|
    |\_ --------__,+-_____________________|____________________-------            
    \  `===#==__|__/\____|_____|_______|_______|_______|_____-------                          
      |   ss. minnow                  
    ~~~~-\_ /~~=._         ~~~~~~~~~~~             ~~~~~~~~~~~~~
~~~~      =/       ~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~             ~~~~~

Request : smart cookie
A collegate chocolate chip cookie.

                  _,+======o      _,-`
                ,-    ________,--`\                    
                L   ./         #    `\.
               /_\ / # .--.     .--.   \
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               ||     #    (  )      #    |
               ||           `'            |            
                 |     _/  #     \_    #  |
                  \     \__    __/       /    
                   \       `--'        /                   
                    `\#         #    /'          
                      `--___ # ___--'

Request : onions, little sized

         ||        .-^-.               
        /,,\      ;'''..`._          
       |:  ;|     :''.,.'==\             
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             |      ,'   /                \     ``-r_\`
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VooDoo Doll:


              ,'` ,--''''-.>.
            ,' ,'`        (',`-.
           / ,'    ,\      | \  `.
           ||   _._(_)     |  \   '
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           |  `.          |_/___,.-`
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            )            /
           /             |         -ART BY-
           |              \         -ZEUS-
          /          __..'``.
         /        ,-`        `.
        /       ,`             `.
       /       /                 \
      /       /                   \
     /        |                    |
    |         |                    |
    /         |                    |
   /          |                    /
              |                   /
              |                  /

And a self-portrait.  Not very good, but will have to do for now.

                                         ,   ,
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                       :(__\ ,    ,'``\      | ,-,   |
                       :    .     `~~~`      ^^ (|   |
                      :     .                   '/   |
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                       :  ``-'-`               |  /
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                        :  >- `'-              | |
                         :  ```             ,  `^,
                          :              .-`     |
                           :          ,-`      

(I really do not like how that picture came out, though)

And some little South Park characters:

         ,-` `-..-` `-.
      :     /^\  /^\     :
      :    ( '/  \' )    ;
      `.    ``____``    ,`
    ___-`. ._`---` _. .'-___
  /` ||   `-.'----'.-`   || `\
 /   |\      ^````^      /|   \
/    / `-______________-` \    \
|   /                      \   |
|  /        BEEFCAKE        \  |

  /               \
  |               |
  |  ___________  |
  |_|           |_|
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 /  |   / \/ \  |  \
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  .` `-__````__-` `.

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 || /^\   /^\ ||
 ||( '/   \' )||
 || ``<._.>`` ||
 | \  ,---.  / |
 |  ``/```\``  |
  \   `-^-`   /

Well, as you can probably tell by now, I am practicing this ascii stuff by filling out various requests people have. I try to steal nothing off of anyone, although I did take a couple of circles off of people to use as a foundation. I've mainly been doing requests because I can't think of much to do on my own since so much has been done already. There is really a lot out there.

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