Acknowledgements for backgrounds used on the following pages: Background used on Home (index) page comes from Pambytes Free Web Graphics [Note from Pambytes author: 'These images are freeware. You are licensed to use them in the development of commercial or personal websites without charge. They may not be put in online image collections (like this site) or distributed on any electronic media (such as CDs or floppy disks) without express written permission. Gibson Grafx retains copyrights to these images.'] Backgrounds used on this Acknowledgements page, and April's and June's Celebration Page come from Free Backgrounds at the Animation-Station Our images came from sites that gave permission to share/use: Beseen, MediaBuilder, Syruss, Ultimatorium, Bilbo's, ComCentral, (elephant and house on November's Celebration Page); also used clip art from Microsoft and Print Shop Deluxe Ensemble.
If there is anyone we need to acknowledge, please notify us with the appropriate information so that we can give proper credits.