

Name: Eve (meaning "mother of all living")
Source: Genesis 1:27-31, 2:18-25, 3, 4:25
Date: beginning of time
Nationality: first woman
Status: wife of Adam, mother of Cain, Abel, and Seth
Claim to Fame: disobeyed God, tempted Adam to disobey God, and was responsible for all womenkind to be cursed
Talents/Interests: creature naming, child rearing


Eve was created by God to be a helper for Adam, the first man. She was tempted to eat the forbidden fruit by a serpent and in turn tempted Adam to do the same. As a result, they were both expelled from the Garden of Eden and cursed for eternity.

Adam and Eve had two sons, Cain and Abel. Abel was favoured by God and consumed by jealousy, Cain murders Abel. Cain was cursed by God as punishment. At 130 years of age, Eve has a third son, Seth and then she disappears from the Biblical record.


Today I was in the kitchen making supper when my older son, Cain came in. I knew from the look on his face something terrible had happened.

He told me that in a jealous rage, he had murdered his brother, Abel and that God had cursed him He could no longer farm and he must wander the earth forever.

It seems to me that our family is doomed as now Adam and I will have no sons at home and that God has cursed us three times. The first time, when Adam and I were cursed and thrown out of the Garden of Eden. The second time when Cain killed Abel and a third time when Cain was forced to wander the earth far from home.

It tests my faith sorely when I thing over the situation and I wonder what will ever become of us.

written by: Mary Jean