Early Middle Ages 5th - 9th Century AD
High Middle Ages 10th - 13th Century AD
Late Middle Ages 14th - 15th Century AD
Early Modern 16th - 18th Century AD
Modern 19th - 20th Century
Classes/Coalitions of Women
Women In History
Traditional History ->
753BC Rome Founded
700BC Hesiod Theogony
509BC Establishment of Roman Republic
490-479BC Persian Wars
451-450BC Citizenship Laws of Pericles
469-399BC Socrates
441BC Sophocles Antigone
427-347BC Plato
384-322BC Aristotle On the Generation of Animals, women blamed for fall of Sparta
264-146BC Punic Wars between Rome and Carthage
46-44BC Julius Caesar
Birth of Jesus Christ
27BC-14AD Augustus
30AD The Crucifixion
37-41AD Caligula
54-68AD Nero
56-120AD Tacitus
67AD Peter 1st Pope
81-96AD Domitian, trials of Vestal Virgins
306-307AD Constantine
380AD Christianity proclaimed official Roman religion
Classical 1250 BC - 5 c AD ->
800BC City States-Greece