Classical 1250 BC - 5 c AD

Early Middle Ages 5th - 9th Century AD ->

High Middle Ages 10th - 13th Century AD

Late Middle Ages 14th - 15th Century AD

Early Modern 16th - 18th Century AD

Modern 19th - 20th Century


Classes/Coalitions of Women

Women In History

Traditional History ->

474 The Burgundian Code

476 Deposition of last Western Roman Emporers

538-595 Gregory of Tours The History of the Franks

520 Benedictine monastic rule

529-565 The Justinian Code

550 Corpus of Roman Law

570-632 Muhammed

590-604 Pope Gregory I

622 Rise of Islam

630 Mohammed triumphs in Mecca

732 Charles Martel defeats Muslims at Poitiers

768-814 Charlemagne's reign

700-800 Feudalism begins - protection by master from invasions

880-911 High point of Viking raids in Europe - risk to women of rape and enslavement

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