his is Sarah and Shannon. I babysat them for seven years. They were bridesmaids in my wedding. I love them like they are my sisters.

raduated at last! 1994

fter high school, I went to work for my uncle's business school (the Altoona School of Commerce). These were the wonderful people I got to work with: Bill Laughlin, Ray Kline and Linda Talarigo.

peaking of friends, here's another picture of Adrienne, Heather and Paula. This one goes back to our high school days. Senior Skip Day, as a matter of fact!

aul and I at Ocean City, Maryland. Summer of 1995

noebels campground, gang. Mary, Todd, me, Bailey, Barry, Barry Sr., Paul Sr, Eric and Troy. Summer of 1995

emember Steve and Joy from the last page? Here they are with Bailey.

ore friends: Mark and BJ. (They're so tan in this picture because they had just returned from their honeymoon in Jamaica.)

innley, only seconds old!

y newest niece, Katherine's baptism.

hristmas 1998. Paul's dad and his older brothers and sisters.

oing Back! Adrienne and me in 10th grade, fooling around.

his picture and the two that follow are some of my favorite pictures. Adrienne, Paula and I goofing around on a boring summer day before 11th grade.

arth Brooks!!!! We had fourth row seats when he came to the Bryce Jordan Center in State College, Pa. I got to walk up to the stage and hand him flowers. That's when this picture was taken. I got touch his hand in the exchange!!!
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