Ancient Egyptian Festivals and Celebrations
(Brief descriptions of the purposes for some Ancient Egptian Festivals.  Some have links to specific entries on the Ritual page.)

The Opet Festival, or the Ancient Egyptian New Year, was a festival to celebrate the Innundation or flooding of the Nile.  The inhabitants depended on the annual flooding to bring rich black soil from Nubia, so they could grow their crops.  If the flood was too low there was famine.  If it was too high, the rich soil would be swept away and there would be famine.  So part of the festival was dedicated to offerings and prayers to ensure a good flood.  The Innundation was said to be the tears of Isis as she searched for Osiris.  The signal for the Opet festival  was the rising of the Star Sirius over the horizon.  Sirius is the symbol of Isis, and the symbol of Osiris is the constellation of Orion.  Both of these in the skies signaled Isis finding Osiris.

In Ancient Egypt the Pharoah would always be present at a ground-breaking of a new Temple.  They would bury amulets and other items under the corners of the foundations.  We can't exactly do that here as the building is already built, but at our Temple Dedication we will be putting items in a container and symbolically bury it under the foundation.   You are welcome to add something that symbolizes your loving relationships with your dieties.

A New Moon is a time for introspection, a time for clearing out, cleansing and preparing for a new beginning.  It is a time for healing and working on emotional matters.  You are invited to bring any of your magickal items that need a good spiritual cleansing.  The power of a circle can create startling results.

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