The Beginning
The Update
The Altar
Five years ago I learned a technique called Core Shamanism. At the time I had no real spiritual beliefs or connection with spirit. On my first journey to the Upper World Isis was the first spirit to acknowledge my presence. She didn't say anything to me then. She merely pointed the way to my first teacher. For the first six months she was my landmark to find my teacher. Only one time when I needed to go somewhere powerful, she took me there.
During these six months I had several Soul Retrievals and began to seriously explore alternative spiritual practices. My parents had nicely let me choose my own spirituality, but never exposed me to anything but various sects of Christianity, which never sat well with my spirit.
One day I was reading a book on Wicca and it said I should choose and God and Goddess to pray to. I realized at that moment that the choice had been made for me already. That was when the Goddess began to speak, to guide me and to teach me. A couple of months later she announced that I was to be her priestess.
At first I objected. But after talking about it to Isis I realized that my only previous examples of priesthood was the Christian model, which was not what Isis had intended at all. I had no intention of preaching or telling anyone what to believe. At the most I'd be willing to share my beliefs with anyone who wanted to know. Everyone must find their own truth and path to their spirituality.
My connection with the Ancient Egyptian theology is deep and ingrained. I absolutely love a religion that includes science, math, writing and art inextricably intertwined.
I have connections with other Ancient Egyptian Gods and Goddess. The male principle that I connect with most is the Sun God Ra. He has also appointed me his priestess. Many practitioners of the Ancient Egyptian theology connect more with Osiris, Isis' husband and brother. I do have a relationship with Osiris as well, but it is a very personal one. The God Thoth helps me with my career as a Calligrapher . They lead me to books and people who will help lead me on my path.
To be a member of the Temple (virtual or real), you do not have to learn how to do shaman journey work , though I highly suggest it. It's just so much easier to talk to the Goddess herself than to have it second hand. I will be glad to personally guide you through your first couple of journeys, if you need.
I 'm just here to provide you with the tools to help discover and
get to know your own spirit and spirituality. I also love discussions
on deep, philosophical issues, so please write to me.
-Crystal Shea, High Priestess
A lot has happened since I first wrote the above. Since then
my real Temple of Isis has shaped up nicely, and I've been studying a lot.
No real members yet, but I know that when I am ready, She will send people
to me. Until then my focus is on bringing the Science and Math back
into the religion. My gracious physical mother gave me R.A. Schwaller
de Lubicz's Temple OF Man for Winter Solstice. It's only just
been translated into English. Mr. Schwaller was a Symbolist, Alchemist
and studied many Occult philosophies before living and studying the Temple
of Karnak for 15 years. The book Temple IN Man studies sacred
architecture and was very short. The Temple In Man is a study
of what is inscribed on the walls, and where they are inscribed.
The books are huge hardbacks and cost $200, but worth every penny.
There is so much info packed in there. The first thing I realized
looking through the book is that I'll have to take some more Calculus and
Physics classes just to understand the math. He goes onto what the
math means in a spiritual and symbolic sense. I can't wait to get
into it. Soon:)
Along with the study of the Temple of Man I've also been coming to the conclusion that the "myths" aren't strictly morality stories. They describe things at many lessons, including scientific principles. My first example is the creation myth with the God Ra masturbating and creating the Universe. To our uptight times it sounds a little crass, but to describe the Big Bang Theory to people who didn't know about explosives, TNT or gunpowder, what other daily occurrence, that every level of society experiences - what else would you use? And no, I haven't figured them all out. I suspect that the story of Isis manipulating Ra into giving her his true name has something to do with a Solar eclipse.
I've also undergone some pretty heavy initiations. I've found
that since I don't belong to a formal group which has its own initiations,
that the Goddess gives them to me in her own way. Life will provide
it. But I'm back and will hopefully be able to keep this site up
and running and updated regularly.