The rituals below are merely suggestions.  You must find your own way of celebrating the Goddess and God and ways of conducting them so that they mesh nicely with your spirit and way of life.  So I give you my rituals, what I do, to give you a place to start and some ideas.  Try them.  Use what works for you, change what doesn't.  The rituals are for us mortals as a way to acknowledge and integrate our faith.  To help myself to work these out I've kept a journal of what I planned to do for each and then what I actually did do, my personal Book of Shadows.  I suggest you keep one for yourself.  From this I could tell what I liked and what didn't work.

There are three other sources of rituals that I highly suggest for the Solitary Practitioner:  The Mysteries of Isis - Her Worship and Magick by DeTraci Regula, which gives lots of daily rituals; Feasts Of Light - Celebrations for the Seasons of Life by Normadie Ellis, which focus on the Egyptian Goddess Mysteries; and An Ancient Egyptian Book of Shadows by Jocelyn Almond and Keith Seddon, which give the Eight Seasonal Rites of Egyptian Paganism.

More rituals will be added here as time goes by and I urge you to send in your own.
Last modified 9/2/01



This is a simple ritual that I usually use before any other ritual.  I alter it according to what the following ritual will be.

  1. 1.  Light candles and Incense:  The number and color of the candles vary.  For instance if it's the prelude to a Full Moon Ritual I might only light white candles.  Most of the time I use six.  One for each compass point:  Green for North (Earth), Blue for West (Water), White for East (Air) and Yellow or Red for South (Fire).  The other two are for Isis and Ra.  For incense I sometimes use a sage smudge stick, other time incense sticks or cones, and on very special occasions I use the powdered incense on charcoal.
  2. 2.  Call in the Goddess and Spirits:  Using chimes, bells and/or rattles, first face in each of the compass directions and invite the spirits of each direction to join you.  Their names are Imsety, Qebehsenuef, Hapy, Duamutef. I usually say something like, "Spirits of the West and of the Water, Lord of the Nile, Hapi,  come and join my circle."  Also invite the spirits from the Upper and Lower planes.  And then a special invocation to the Goddess.  There are lots listed in the Prayers and Poems section or you can ad-lib something like: "Isis, my Friend, my Mother, my Teacher, please join me for (what ever ritual you are planning)."
  3. 3.  Circle of Protection:  This step is optional.  When I feel I need extra protection I will do this.  I sit with my eyes closed and hold my palms together and then bring them apart slightly until I feel a magnetic tingle.  At this point I visualize a ball of light in my hands.  I slowly pull my hands apart, feeling and seeing the ball grow and grow until it is large enough to encircle my ritual area.  Then I let it drop, so that the ground or the floor is the division between the top and the bottom.
That's it.  After that I perform what ever ritual it is I need.


The priests and priestesses of of Ancient Egypt bathed seven times a day.  This isn't really practical in today's world.  But a Ritual Bath is a very good way to connect with the Primal Feminine Spirit.  Among a host of other things, Isis is the Goddess of the Sea.  She is the Goddess of the Moon and controls the tides of the Ocean.  And generally water symbolizes emotions.  I use the Ritual Bath to spiritually cleanse my soul as well.

  1. 1.  You will need:  Specific bubble bath or aromatic bath oil, beads, etc.  These you will only use for ritual purposes.  I try for a ocean or floral fragrance.  You will also need candles, incense, soothing music or chants, bath salts or sea salt and consecrated baking soda.  (To consecrate an object or substance:  concentrate on the object and ask Isis to bless the sacred ____).
  2. 2.  Preparation:  Ritually clean the already clean bathtub with some of the consecrated baking soda.  Ask Isis to cleanse the vessel that will hold her son, daughter, sister, brother (however you feel related to her).  Rinse very well or the baking soda will kill your bubbles before they start.  Fill the tub with hot water and the bubble bath. Let the scents be conscious symbols of what you intend.
  3. 3.  The bath:  Once filled, light the candles and incense, play the music, get in and relax.  Try to become one with the water.  Feel your primordial roots, go back to the embryonic sac.  If you journey, now would be the perfect time to journey to the Moon and talk to the Goddess.  If you don't journey, offer your prayers and wishes.
  4. 4.  Spiritual Cleansing:  When you're finished, take the bath salts or sea salt, put some in your hands and then slowly rub them on your body.  Ask Isis to remove from you all the impurities and negativity you may have collected recently.  Visualize the salts pulling black matter from your spirit.  Then take some of the Consecrated Baking Soda and rub it on your body.  Ask Isis to replace the negativity with positive aspects that will help you become a better person, parent, spouse, or what ever is important to you.  Visualize a golden glow filling your spirit and body.
  5. 5.  Lastly:  Let the water out.  Visualize the extracted energies draining from the tub  Ask Isis to transform the negativity into something useful.

I try to do this at least once a week.  Others I know do it more often.  As time goes on you will likely collect special containers and candle holders for this specific ritual.  A bath pillow and special tray to hold these items are nice too.

I use the Full Moon ritual to manifest the things I need and desire in my life, and the New Moon ritual to rid myself of the things I no longer need or desire in my life.  You can also charge (Full)  and discharge (New) crystals and healing stones.

Isis is the Goddess of the Moon.  The Moon is one of her symbols.  I say hello to Her every time I look at the moon.  You can find calendars that give the exact time of the moon's Fullness or Newness.  Generally anytime within the day before and day after is fine to do rituals.

  1. 1.  Opening Ceremony: Do your opening ritual as usual, but use a lunar themed invocation.  Use all white candles for the Full Moon and black candles for the New Moon.  If you can see the moon from where you are, try to stay in Her light.  If you can't, close your eyes and visualize yourself standing in Her light.  Feel its power and light fill your spirit.  Feel yourself connecting to Isis.  Feel Her warm arms holding and cradling you with Her loving care.  This takes concentration and practice, so don't despair if the connection is faint at first.
  2. 2.  Full Moon Manifestations: Have a special small container with a lid, decorated by yourself preferably.  Mediate for a while on what you wish to manifest into your life, be they physical things you can touch as well as things like love and peace, etc.  Then write down the most important ones to you on small pieces of paper.  You can have a separate, specific pad of paper specially for this.  A pen too!  Write them down with slow deliberation, visualizing receiving what you wish for.  Put all that energy into those letters.  You can, if you prefer, draw symbols for what you are wishing for.  Or a combination of the two.  Intention is the most important aspect.  Fold the pieces up and put them in your special container.  I have a small paper and tin box that I keep on my altar.
  3. 3.  New Moon De-manifestations: Have another special container that is completely fireproof. I.e., glass or metal or pottery.   Again, meditate on what you wish to remove from your life.  It can be behaviors, habits, negativity, anything that you can see is blocking you from reaching your spiritual and personal goals in life.  Then write them down on a small piece of paper.  If you can't find the words, feel free to use symbols.  Visualize those things leaving your life.  See your life without them.  Put the paper in the container and light it on fire and watch it burn to cinders.  Later give the cinders to the earth to recycle.
  4. 4.  Divination:  This is optional, but I try to use some method of divination to give me guidance for the next lunar cycle.  Sometimes I don't have the time.
  5. 5.  Offerings:  At this time I consume some sort of food and drink.  Preferably a food and drink that I can symbolically connect to the ritual.  So Crescent Rolls are good for a New Moon, sugar cookies, round ones are good for the Full Moon.  Milk is great for both, maybe chocolate milk for the New Moon.  Don't forget to leave a little on your altar for Lady Isis, and then later give it to the Earth.
  6. 6.  Finnish:  Do anything else that seems like a good idea.  Dance in the light of Her glory, charge your crystals, journey to the Moon, maybe swim with the Mermaids of the Lunar Sea?  Then close your circle, thanking everyone who came for their help.


This is a short ritual that I try to do every morning before leaving the house.  I find that my day goes smoother when I start this way.  In an ideal world you would do this at dawn, but modern schedules and seasonal changes can make this difficult.
  1. 1.  Light a special candle on your altar to Her.  I usually use a white pillar candle.  I ring my Goddess Chime three times and then, holding my palms toward Her image, I recite the Prayer of Awakening that I got from the book The Mysteries of Isis.  I usually just use the Ancient Egyptian language, but I have the English translations next to it, so I can concentrate on the meaning.  You can find this prayer on the Index page and on the Prayers page.  The one on the Index page I calligraphed and drew myself.  Feel free to print it out and use it.
  2. 2.  I usually add a special, personal prayer that corresponds as to what is going on that day and the strength to get through it. Feel her love, and extinguish the candle.


This ritual's intent is to rid yourself of the negativity you may have experienced in your work or commute.  If you are lucky enough to have no commute and a positive workplace you may not feel the need for this ritual.
  1. 1.  Light a candle, I use a tea light in a tin lantern that has stars punched out of it.  I also light a tea light under an oil diffuser.  I have several oils to choose from and mix them to meet my needs.
  2. 2.  Then I completely undress and change clothes to symbolically shed the negative thoughts and feelings.  Then I light incense and cleanse the space around me.
  3. 3.  I usually commune with my cat, Tabitha.  I lay back on my bed and she comes and lays on top of me, purring while I pet her.  I find it very rejuvenating.  If you don't have a cat I'm sure you can be creative enough to find another way.  A brief respite of pleasure before attacking the rest of the day.


The final prayers of the day before a night of dreams.
  1. 1.  Again, light a candle and incense.
  2. 2.  Say a prayer to thank the Goddess for the good things that happened.  Here is mine:
  3. "O Glorious Goddess, thank you for this day and all the blessings You have brought.
  4. O Lady Isis, bring me sweet dreams and the renewed strength to cope with tomorrow.
  5. O Great Mother, protect me from my demons and keep me in the light of Ma'at (truth)."
  6. 3.  I then fall asleep to soothing Temple music and journey to talk to Her about anything that is bothering me.
  7. 4.  I also keep a Spiritual Journal in which my entries are to Her and Ra, or Just one or the other, depending on what I'm writing about.  Yes, She knows all that I write about, even before I write about it.  But it seems to help a lot to articulate it.
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