There are people who are out to limit you. These people are out to better themselves at the expense of hurting you. The way they hurt you may not be physical but the effects can be just as devastating. These people usually do this on purpose with the direct intent to hurt you. These people often look decent at face value, but become dangerous if you delve deeper into their being.
Anton LaVey wrote about these people in the "Satanic Bible." He called these people psychic vampires. These are the people who feed on your emotions, not on your blood. What was written about these people was accurate. These people are dangerous to the Satanist and the Satanic way of life.
When LaVey wrote the "Satanic Bible" he addressed the psychic vampires of his day. Some of his teachings are still valid now a days. But other teachings have been out dated, need further explanation, or simply need to be reworded. As times change so do the way some types of people accomplish their goals.
First, what is a psychic vampire? A psychic vampire is just another person. These people behave like others, they become friends with you. Often times they try to become close friends with you. They start out as good friends and get closer and closer to you. Once close to you the vampire starts making maneuvers to get you to aid it with what it needs. The psychic vampire will expect you to help it whenever it asks you.
The psychic vampire is like a parasite, it latches onto you and feeds off of you. Instead of feeding on your blood the psychic vampire feeds on your emotions. The psychic vampire manipulates your emotions to get you to help it. By playing on your emotions the psychic vampire hopes to better itself.
Second, what can come from refusing a psychic vampire what it wants? When LaVey wrote he made it seem like refusing a psychic vampire is dangerous. The way LaVey wrote it made it seem like you were running a big risk. For the most part the psychic vampire will not result to physical harm when refused.
The psychic vampire will hurt you when refused. Usually not physical, this hurt can be as harmful as a punch to the face. The most common technique to hurt you is to play with your emotions or loyalty to friends. Usually this will come in the form of a guilt trip. It comes down to the psychic vampire just trying to get you to change your mind.
If this does not work the psychic vampire may resort to more drastic measures. Now the vampire may resort to threats, such as the breaking of the "friendship", threaten you with physical harm, or threaten to spread rumors. At this point you can probably tell that this wasn't an actual friendship. When it comes to this point you may just want to avoid the vampire. Normally the vampire will not follow through with these threats but will instead cut its loses and find someone new.
Third, how do I know if someone is a psychic vampire? Now a days it can be hard to tell if someone is a vampire or not. The easiest way to tell is to take a long hard look at your relationship with the person. Is the person always looking for you to do a favor? If it does something for you does it make you feel as if you absolutely have to do something in return?
There are several things you can do if you believe you are being taken by a psychic vampire. You can slowly disconnect yourself from this person. By slowly removing the person, you don't let on you know what they are and you can get out of this relationship relatively safely. Another option is to do to the psychic vampire what it tries to do to you. A good way to do this is to take what the vampire gives you without feeling you need to do anything in return. By taking advantage of the psychic vampire you will make it angry to the point where it chooses to leave you. Your other main option is to confront the vampire. tell it you will not put up with any of its tricks. This method will bring about great anger and the vampire will probably try to seek vengeance when it realizes it has no control over you.
Finally, what is the difference between a psychic vampire and a
Satanist? Both work to further themselves, but their methods and
beliefs are different. The vampire doesn't realize it is doing anything
that may hurt even though it has a tendency to. The vampire usually has
minor goals that really have little impact on their life in whole. The
Satanist is trying to better itself. The Satanist wants to improve
itself, not necessarily by harming another, but through which means it
can improve its life for the better for the long term. The Satanist
looks at the wider picture of life instead of the narrow
shortsightedness of the psychic vampire.
As short a time ago as 1980 people wouldn't have believed that nearly one half of all homes in the U.S. would have computers. Or that nearly a third of Americans were communicating over something called the internet. Even at the start of the 90's the idea of the internet was very limited. In reality the internet evolved very slowly starting in 1969.
Technology has made leaps and bounds in the last thirty years and especially in the last 15 years. Technology has brought the world closer in many ways. Technology moved relatively slowly up until the late 1800's and into the 20th century.
For example, back in old times when you wanted to send someone a letter you had to send it by courier. There was the chance that the courier could lose the letter, be killed, get lost, or just never deliver the letter. Then came the postal system, which originally would take a week or so for a letter to cross the country and a month for a letter to cross the sea. Then came the modern postal service, which now when a letter is sent it usually arrives in about three days. But what are people using more and more? People are using something which is a lot quicker. People are now using email (electronic mail). With email a letter is sent via the internet to anywhere in the world in a matter of moments.
Technology is both a blessing and a curse for the Satanic Movement. Advancements in technology have a two sided affect on Satanism. The internet is perhaps the one thing which has the most effect on Satanism at the current time.
On the plus side the internet can be used for many different purposes. For the Satanist the internet is an easy way for ideas, beliefs, and writings to be shared. This allows the free flow of information between people who already follow the Satanic way of life. It also offers a way for the Satanic Movement to further its cause. It does this by allowing the Satanist to freely give honest and truthful information about Satanism.
On the other side of things, the internet is a great set back for the Satanic Movement. The internet has a tendency to deceive people. Just because you can find a lot of truthful information doesn't necessarily mean everything on the net is true. The internet can be a very trying place. The reason the internet is a curse for the Satanic Movement is because of all the false information. The problem with all this false information is that a good part of it is harmful to the Satanic Movement. The Satanic Movement is harmed by false information, just as any other organization or movement is.
As more and more false information is posted on the internet a worse name for Satanism is developed. Often times stories or thoughts on Satanism are posted which make Satanism look evil. Just as with the media, people are often times unwilling to search a little further to see if they have the facts correct.
For all the good that technology has done there have been
negative things too. Technology has brought the world closer in many
different respects. But somethings, such as the internet, can be
harmful to different organizations or movements.
Science is a major sticking point in almost every religion. The problem is that people must try to balance their religious faith with their belief and trust in science. For many the main challenge comes in the question of how the world began.
Science is a very interesting thing. Most people have the belief that science is an ever advancing unchanging entity. The reality is that science is a very unsure and delicate thing. That is why when a scientist makes a claim it is worded so very carefully. They do this to try and ensure that what they say is not misinterpreted.
Scientists have three main ways of describing the rules and ideas they have. The three ways are using the words hypothesis, theory, and law. A hypothesis is not the same as a theory or law, nor is a theory the same as a law. Each of these is individual and different. The reason these words are so misunderstood is because the media has a tendency to misuse or stretch the definition of these words. This consistent mistake affects the general knowledge of the people.
A hypothesis is defined as "one or more assumptions put forth to explain the observed behavior of nature" (Chemistry, 2nd Edition). Where as a theory is defined as "a set of assumptions put forth to explain some aspect of the observed behavior of matter" (Chemistry, 2nd Edition). These two definitions are so similar that it may be hard to tell which to use. The media knows these definitions but does not understand how to properly apply them. Scientists generally say that a theory is the more accurate of the two. In other words a hypothesis is a guess while a theory is an educated guess.
A law is the rarest and hardest thing. A law is something that has been proven over and over without fail. Laws are considered to be so scientifically sound that to disprove them is exceptionally rare. But like a hypothesis or theory a law can be changed or disproved. The media rarely misuses the term law, but does have the tendency to apply its definition to either a hypothesis or a theory.
The Satanist understands that religious faith and trust in science need to be balanced. This balance between the two should be at a level comfortable for the individual. This point of equilibrium is going to be different for just about everybody. There is a reason why the Satanist believes that you should be balanced in your faith and trust in science. People who have reached a balanced point in their life are more likely to be mentally stable then those who are unbalanced.
Satanism does not make a direct distinction on what to believe
when it comes to science. Satanism teaches that you should be
satisfied. Satanism is mainly an individual religion. By restricting
the beliefs of the Satanist you defeat the purpose of Satanism.
Therefore Satanism allows you to make your own choice and reach you own
balancing point between your faith and science.
What is there in studying history? If you study history your studying the sequence of events that have happened in the past. Past events are what make up our history. But the question is, why do you study history? Do you study history just to memorize dates or famous people? No. You study history to learn about what events have shaped your life and to learn to for see future crisis.
"Instruction in world history in the so-called high schools is even today in a very sorry condition. Few teachers understand that the aim of studying history can never be to learn historical dates and events by heart and recite them by rote; that what matters is not whether the child learns exactly when a monarch (usually a very insignificant one) came into the crown of his forefathers" (Mein Kampf, Volume 1, Chapter 1).
For some uncomprehensible reason educators have the idea that the point behind studying history is to memorize dates and events. The true reason for studying history is to learn from past mistakes and past successes. If you study history merely to memorize dates you are learning nothing. To truly learn from history you must be able to learn the reason why events happen. To understand history, an education in basic psychology and sociology is helpful. A better understanding of the nature of why things happen is helpful when studying history.
History is the sum product of past causes and events. The study of history is to study why these causes and events occurred, not to memorize dates. Educators do not seem to recognize this. Teachers and professors have the mentality that to know and study history is to know and study dates and events. To know and study history is to know and study the reasons behind events and to learn from these events for future experiences.
This view of history is advocated by the Satanist. The
Satanist has long tried to learn from past successes and failures. The
Satanist also pushes this view in the hopes that others will learn too.
Historically the Satanist has faced wrongful persecution. By pushing
this idea of learning from history, the Satanist hopes that people will
learn from their mistaken persecution of Satanists.
People have a tendency to put to much faith in science and mathematics. People have developed over the years this mentality that science and math were the two eternal constants. People have come to live in this imagined world of security. The truth is neither science nor mathematics are totally free of mistakes and the chance to be changed is always present.
Through out history the human race has faced crisis after crisis. In an attempt to bring a form of normality, into the chaotic existence called life, people started to embrace the fields of science and mathematics as the needed normality. People have grown to accept these things with out question. But then something happens and their dreams of normality are destroyed.
As people become more and more attached to these fields they begin to ignore the occasional inconsistencies. After so long of being on board of this ship, and so many people getting on board, the ship occasionally tips and someone or something falls out. They fall out of the boat that represents normality and into the waters of chaos.
To much faith is put in science and math by people. Scientists and mathematicians will tell you how very little is guaranteed to have no exceptions. These are the people who have learned to swim through the chaos and hold on to the boat of normality. There is a growing field of research that attempts to understand this chaos. This is the study of fuzzy logic. The theory behind fuzzy logic goes along the idea that nothing is guaranteed. The book "Fuzzy Thinking" by Bart Kosko explains the principles behind this study. More and more scientists and mathematicians are beginning to accept this field as a legitimate area of study. It is now to the point where the field of fuzzy logic is being used in computer applications.
Even with advancing fields, such as fuzzy logic, people are still putting to much faith in math and science. They are so set in their beliefs that they will not accept the idea that something is not guaranteed. As advancements are made science and math become as uncertain as life, not guaranteed to be around in another moment.
Do not place yourself in a vulnerable position because of your
beliefs. Belief in religion should be balanced with belief in science.
To be unbalanced in your beliefs is to leave yourself vulnerable.
Science and math are like religion and life, they are uncertain.
Satanism is such an appealing way of living to many people. The idea of living a life that is satisfying and fulfilling appeals to just about everybody. This is why there is a small but growing number of people who now consider themselves to be Catholic-Satanists.
People want to believe in a greater power. They want to believe that there is a reason why we exist. This longing for something to believe in often comes out in the belief in some god. It is in the nature of people to want to worship some divine being. The Catholic Church, along with all other religions, give people this thing that people want to believe in. The churches of the world provide this essential service. But like most institutions, the churches of the world have their set beliefs.
The problem with these religions is that they place restrictions on people. Society imposes its own norms on people, and religions place more on the same people. Some people may feel that they do not need these extra limitations. In reality most people don't need nor want these restrictions that religions impose. Conforming to the norms of society can be difficult enough. But adding on having to conform to the norms of a religion makes things much more difficult.
The restrictions which religions try to impose are often times not welcomed by the masses. People have come to believe that they are not meant to enjoy life to its fullest. THis belief has come because of the restrictions that are imposed by the churches. The joyful things in life are often called evil or sinful by the religions. They try to force conformity to their beliefs by making people believe that they are "sinning" when they are having fun.
It may seem like a silly thing, but people can not survive with out taking some enjoyment from life. The churches teach that you need some sort of faith to survive, but what is not taught is the need for enjoyment. A sense of worthlessness often accompanies a person when he or she is unable to enjoy life. We can not live in a state of unhappiness. We must be able to enjoy and profit from life, else there is no reason to live.
Belief in some faith is an intricate part of human existence. Everyone has some religious belief that they take seriously. This belief may not be part of an organized religion, but none the less it is still present. It may come as a belief in some deity, pure science, or maybe in just chance. Either way the belief goes it is still there. Religious belief is found in every country, every culture, every society. It is a natural part of existence that can be found around the world and through out time.
Religions fulfill this need for people to believe. They organize ideas and then present them in a way for people to try and understand. The need for something to believe in does not necessarily mean that people will join an organized religion. Organized religions have a tendency to discourage people from believing in anything. People are afraid of the rules and restrictions that religions impose on them. People don't want institutions to make decisions for them, they want to be free to make their own choices.
People want to be free of all the restrictions that are placed on them. But they also want to have something that they can believe in. For some people this comes in the idea of Catholic-Satanism. The Catholic-Satanist is satisfying their desire to be free while still satisfying their want for something to believe in. These people may not realize what they are, but they do what they deem is proper.
A Catholic-Satanist is not a true Satanist. To be Catholic you must accept that there is a god, and that Jesus came to save you. To be Satanic you should recognize that you are your own god. It is theologically impossible for the two ideas to ever coexist in the same individual.
Through all of their ideas and beliefs the Catholic-Satanist can never be a true Satanist. How can you claim to follow the teachings of the church and at the same time follow the teachings of the anti- church? The two ideas are far to different to be compatible.
Yes, the Catholics beliefs do fulfill the need for something to believe in. The Satanic beliefs also provide the idea of something to believe in. The beliefs of the two are so different, yet they both appeal to such a large crowd. People may find that one set of beliefs suits them better than the other. Satanism may not appeal to everyone, nor will Catholicism appeal to everyone.
The Catholic-Satanist is like the psychic vampire, out to appease its own desires. The Catholic-Satanist will rarely admit to being this. But you will be able to spot these fools. Through the week they may be the greatest Satanists or Catholics and then on the week ends be just the opposite. Watch out for these people as they have a tendency to over express certain Satanic beliefs while forgetting the essentials. In the end these people end up hurting the true Satanist.
Even with their growing numbers the Catholic-Satanist is not a
true Satanist. They are merely people who try to take the best of both
ideas. Do not be surprised if there faith finally swings one way or
another. The need to believe in something is ot necessarily powerful
enough to overcome the differences of the two systems. It is simply out
of the question that a Catholic-Satanist could ever be both a true
Catholic and a true Satanist.
Chapter 1: Satanism 101
Chapter 2: Civil Satanism
Chapter 3: Lets Talk
Chapter 4: That Feels Good
Omega: The Closing