Universities and Colleges:
Egyptian Programs with Cultural Theory Interests
University of California, Santa Barbara
Under the mentorship of Stuart Tyson Smith. Dr. Smith's currentproject is the The Dongola Reach Expedition at Tombos in modern Sudan. He has a particular expertise in ancient ceramics. His area and era of interest are in New Kingdom Egyptian-Nubian relations.
Univesity of California, Los Angeles
Dr. Willemina Wendrich heads the UCLA department. She is currently heading The UCLA/RUG project in the Fayum. As an adjunct professor, the esteemed Dr. Antonio Loprieno holds lecture one quarter out of the year; he also holds another position at the University of Basil. Dr. Wendrich is an expert in anceint basketry, she will also begin excavation at a new location (see UCLA Egyptology Page). Her area and era of interest is in Ptolemaic Egypt, and her most recent project was at Bereneike.
Columbia University
Under the direction of Dr. Lynn Meskell, Columbia has a program that takes an anthropological perspective to its Egyptian archaeology. Dr. Meskell is an expert on cultural theory. Specifcally she takes a 'thrid wave feminist' approach to her archaeology. She integrates politics, economics, theories regarding power, and perceptions of gender among many other factors to re-construct identities and how identity politics are played out. Currently, Dr. Meskell is Co-Directing an excavation at Amheida. Her concerns relate to topics of gender and identity.