News about the new class of students
Dearest Friends and Family,
Greetings to each of you in the name of our loving Lord and Savior,
who does work miracle after miracle.
Bill and our house guest, Sue Wilson, left for Nairobi this morning
at 8:00am. They will have picked up Sue's 19 year old daughter,
Megan, a few hours ago at the airport. The three of them will return
tomorrow. When they arrive we will eat a quick meal and then
hopefully we will be able to drive to Meru Game Park for the afternoon
and night and then after an early morning game drive will return to
Maua in time for Bill and all of us to attend the Harambee for the
Methodist Church of Maua. Thank you to the many people who so
generously donated for the new church.
It appears that the rainy season has started as we have had very heavy
rains the last two night and it rained all afternoon today. We are
hopeful the dirt road to the Meru Game Park will still be passable in
our vehicle, which is not four wheel drive.
It has been a great joy to have Sue here. Being from Irving, Plymouth
Park UMC, the Assistant Dean of the School of Nursing at TCU and a
tutor her stay has been wonderful and helpful. To have another
American to share my joys, concerns, challenges, frustrations with and
receive her expertise and perspective, well, it's been a lovely gift.
Of the twenty students we had accepted into our new class, Set B,
nineteen have arrived. We have just completed the first two weeks of
classes. I have had the opportunity to be with them this week and I'm
impressed. Today in the Tutor's Meeting we talked about inviting
another student to replace the student that has not shown up. Due to
our budget, we desperately need to have 20 students. Please pray for
that. We usually give the students 3 - 4 months to raise the money
they will need to pay for the first year, Ksh 90,000 ($1500). This
20th student would need to come immediately and it is always difficult
not to have the money before they start.
This past Wednesday we received our teaching assignments for Set A,
Block II, which begins March 22nd. Also, Peter O'Jwang, my dear tutor
friend, is at a 2 week workshop from March 22nnd - April 2nd so some
of his classes for both sets were given to me. I am trying to be calm
and positive. My first reaction was sheer panic but with your prayers
and the grace, strength and wisdom of God, I will manage (I think I
can, I think I can, I think I can!!!!!)
I am teaching a wide variety of classes from Diabetes, Congestive
Heart Failure, Respiratory Problems (which is BIG!), advanced tests
like barium enema, IVP and others that are not available here but need
to be taught, nutrition, sociology, growth and development, the
Nursing Process, anatomy and physiology, breast-feeding, etc. I did
receive a morale booster today. Set Z, our junior students just
completed their Block IV and did an evaluation of all their tutors.
Sr. Mubichi gave me my evaluations this afternoon and actually I was
afraid to read them since Bill was gone and I wasn't sure what I'd do
if they were negative. Sometimes our students can be extremely cruel.
I left them on my desk for quite sometime but couldn't stand it any
more and decided to read them. They were very positive, all of them.
They thought I had improved considerably which is good news as I
certainly have lots of room for improvement. Four of the students
said they so appreciated my love and respect of them and all the
students marked "yes" to the "Respects the students" question. That
was especially meaningful to me. If I can teach them what they need
to know and show them respect and love, then I'm right were I need to
be. Well, I so appreciate your prayers on my behalf. I could never
make it without you.
Please continue to pray for my father's health. His pneumonia has
improved but he is having much abdominal pain.
Thank you for your emails, support, encouragement, love and prayers.
You are in our prayers.
In His grip,
Jerri and Bill
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